“Cyrus The Great” movie needs $70 million say’s it’s producer Ali Mo’allem

e producer of “Cyrus the Great” says that the production of the film may cost $70 million. “It is not a project that can be done easily,” Ali Mo’allem told the Persian service of the Mehr News Agency on October 26.

According to Mo’allem, the required sum is the same as the annual proceeds of the Iranian cinema.

He said that if it is produced on a lower budget it will be similar to so many other minor films that have been previously produced on Cyrus the Great.

Mo’allem announced last June that he plans to make a blockbuster on the founder the Achaemenid Persian Empire, Cyrus the Great.

He said that he has received about 6,000 emails offering help for the project ranging from US$1 to $100,000.

“However, no governmental official has made any comments about this project,” he lamented.

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