The news spread like a wildfire. The stoning woman, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, was let go by IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.
The fact that major mainstream news media had carried the report, made it all credible. Under tremendous international pressure, the Islamist Rapists had finally caved in and set the much tortured woman free. And since IRR did not deny the report, as it usually and quickly does so, it made the report all the more credible.
Experience has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that, Islamist Rapists’ humanitarianism is all reserved for the Palestinians. When it comes to human rights of the Iranian people, particularly relating to the Iranian women, the uber-misogynist Islamist Rapists are as cold as ice and all Islamist business.
To see after so many decades this basic fact about IRR has not fully registered with some, including Iranians, is saddening. The sooner this is done, the better it would be for all.