The world of the peopel who are changed to the robots.

 The world of the people who are changed to robots.  In the time I was a high school student the people around me told me do not read the books is written by Sadegh Hedayat, he is very pessimisms and guide the people to suicide themselves. And they said he had killed himself, too.  I read all his books and I did not suicide. The only think I remember is that he said the truth very open and very naked, and he was not indifferent to other people, but he sees their problems and writes them down. I do not know why he killed himself, I heard that he was in love with a European girl, and she did not answer him positively and he was so upset that he killed himself. 

As I was student in Germany, the German did not like the Middle Eastern people so much, and today they hate them maybe.  They told me they do not like to have a Middle Eastern Moslem in their house, as they can misuse the culture here and make sex with the German girls and in the time they are pregnant, he will go away. I tried to explain to them, they are different people than us, but they insist that all young boy from there are so. They want sex and they get it here easier than their countries and they misuse our girls? Many milled class students who could not pay a very high rent for a room and the Germans were not willing to rent to them normal rooms, should stop studying and go back to their countries. Again the rich students and or the very intelligent students had not may be this problem. They do what ever they want and we should be punished for their faults. May be the students who make sex with the German girls were rich students and the poor girls because of spending money were attracted to them and she wanted to have them, and gave her body to them, they used it and run away and we should be punished for their faults or mistakes.   I heard also these sentences from many Middle Eastern Students I wished I was never born in this hard life.

Why Sadegh Hedayat had killed himself? I do not know and I do not know if any research had been performed concerning this matter. But many good students and class mates of mine have killed themselves, too. One of the Arman got his PhD from a very high class German university and he suicides, too.  Sometimes I get upset and ashamed of being human being as we see the people are so cruel and so indifferent. And they have more than one faces. In the time they need us, they are very friendly and nice and in the time they do not need and they get what ever they wanted from us, they changed to huge demons. They will be very bad and ugly person’s .Their friendship and their friendly attitude change to be indifferent and cruel. My friend told me that he was sent out of work, because his father was Bahai, but in reality he was Moslem, because his mother was a traditional Moslem and his father was not an active Bahai and he had just the name, because his parent were Bahais.  His daughter said her father was a reserved Bahai and he did not even take part in the administrations of Bahais.  But after he was sent out of work, his Bahai family from his father side gathered around him and were very nice and friendly to him and showed a lot of sympathy for him.  The wife of his uncle told him, you such a nice person should not be treated like this. How bad and how cruel they were against you. They were so nice to him that he feel a lot of love by his Bahai family and trusted them totally.  So he gave full authorities to his cousin and went to Europe to study and work. After a while he came back, now he sees that the Bahai family also changed dramatically and totally.

They were now like demons and they do not want to see him any more. They took most of his rent and they destroy all his furniture and car. They rented the car to the people and they destroyed the car and after that like his furniture left behind and put on the street.  The municipality took the car and now he must pay to them to have his damaged car back. They took all what they could and let the rest to be taken by other people, they did not care about his wealth at all.   My friend tried to get some attention by the local spiritual of Bahais, and they did not care about him and ignored him. Now he must go to the municipality and get the paper for the car and his house, everywhere he goes, the employees wanted bribes. He wanted to repair his house, which had been damaged by the people, because the rent were gathered by his cousin and his wife and they said they spend the money and do not have money to pay him. They will give some of them by installments.  He went to the bank to get some money to repair the house; the banks do not give any money to the people in Iran, if you do not have relationship. In Iran the inflation is about 20 present and the bank will at least fifteen present interest, but you still have the upper hand. But if somebody gets money from you, the government of Iran is generous from you pocket and they do not take care, of twenty five present inflation and the other side just give the money he gets from you and not the interest or inflation. In USA is different as here, there is no inflation, the banks are willing to give money to the people and gather real interest.  So in Iran the judges and the police are in reality the agents of the bad and thieves as they support them, may in other countries the situation is also similar. The many whom you help in the time he was in a need and cried for you, now he had the upper hand and say, why you trusted me that is your problem. Why you gave me money. Go now to the court system and get you right. And he pays bribes and your documents will be transfer from one court to other court and none of the judge has interest to read it. Any way in both countries the middle class people are the targets and they lose their little capital in the favor of capitalists and very rich people.  May be in the USA and in the Middle East the result is the same.

 Over there with force and in the name of religions or other excuses they destroy you, and here in the name of law and regulation, they do the same thing. Here there are a lot of companies including the local governments that they promise you and get money from you and later they said they made mistake and your money gone, and they say sorry for inconvenience.  Theygave you a permission for a business after you run this business for a while and you spent all your capital, they come to you and say , they made a mistake and you should close your business.  You say to them I lost all my time and saving for you mistake, they say OK go and claim through our courts system. In Middle East you can write a letter and give it to the judge, here it is not so and you should have and attorney and fill a lot of form and if you made a mistake, they whole thing will be dismissed or ignored. You should have an attorney, and they want a lot of money in front to go after your case.  They charge you two hundred dollars per hours and after few telephone calls, they want another five thousand dollars.  Or in the middle of the situation, they say they have no time and leave you alone.  As they know other attorney will not take the case.  In the USA the people generally do not trust each other. If the tenant does not pay, in the first day they go to the court system. The court is long and expensive and the police is indifferent and useless.  It is almost like the court system in the Middle East. In both side the system is indifferent and their employees are robots. It is clear some people get tired of this unjust and from this system which performed useless and is indifferent and kill themselves or kill other people.

So the system trains you to be indifferent or cruel. In other way you will be a victim. For this reason most American do not trust and say, I will pray for you if you ask something and or they say they do not know. And if we continue like this soon the world will be full of robots.  So the system can do what ever they want and be cruel to them and the people do not act properly and are indifferent until the sword touches their own neck. The system misuses the religions, nationalities and races for it are proposed.  In the time it is your time, so nobody come to help you, too. They say it is not my problems, it is your problems.

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