BEYOND WORDS: Group Reading of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh

Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings) composed in the 10th century by Ferdowsi is the Crown Jewel of the Persian literature and is cherished by all Iranians (including non-Persian ethnic groups) as well as Persian speaking societies of Afghanistan, Tajikestan and Central Asia.

Shahnameh enthusiasts gather to explain and read excerpts (2003) Notice Parviz Gharibafshar for former TV Host in the audience.

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:

Part V:

Part VI:

Part VII:

Part VIII:

Part IX:

Part XI:

Part XII:

Part XIII:

Part XIV

A Beautiful Poem by Ferdosi, Word by Word talking about the present situation in Iran. Amazing …

Related Website:

Related Blog:

Words For Eternity by DK

Shahnameh in English:

The Shahnameh: The Persian Book of Kings of Ferdowsi translated by Dick Davis and preface by Azar Nafisi

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 by DK

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 by Darius KADIVAR 

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