Report: Iran’s Non-Oil Exports To GCC Jump 38%

Iran’s non-oil exports to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have increased by 38 per cent in the first eight months of this year to over $6.5 billion, local media reported.

Iranian Mehr news agency said data from the Costumes Administration shows that Iran’s exports of non-oil commodities to the UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar have jumped by 38 per cent compared to the same period of last year where the value of exports reached nearly $4.7 billion.

The UAE received the largest share of goods from Iran, importing 11.06 million tonnes of goods from Tehran worth $5.09 billion.

Iran’s other top export destinations were: Oman with 1.568 million tonnes of goods worth $584 million, Kuwait with 2.36 million tonnes worth $184.64 million, Qatar with 922,977 tonnes worth $180.6 million, and Bahrain with 4,497 tonnes of goods worth $8.33 million.

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