Iranian president: We have psychic technology

Some things just never change. On the good side, we will always continue to be family oriented, mystically minded, spiritually natured characters in love with our food, heritage, envioronment, architecture, and poetry. Even if our country is balkanized and split into 10 little countries, our culture will survive another millenia.

On the downside, we will always look up to someone to save our constantly mourning asses, be it Mahdi or Soshyant. We will always kiss ass to the one supreme authority, whether it be the King of Kings, the Ghebleye aalam, or Vali-e faghih. We will always be fighting amongst eachother, and looking for the easy way out.

Some patterns just dont change. Some habits are just so hard to break. Call it determinism, call it genetics of the inevitable. The perrenial traits are there.

Take this fine example:

The president, the highest (supposedly) elected official representing the country of Iran is on record here saying:

“Let me give you another example of Iranian science and ingenuity, so youll know how advanced we have become. Right now, we have a person in Iran, who looks at the ground, gazes at the shrubs and surface vegetation, and tells you exactly what ore deposits and minerals exist below the surface of the Earth at that spot. And he guarantees it. He tells you there is metal here, manganese there, etc. This is a form of science, and we are using him right now to search for precious metals.”

So tell me, is this not a re-occurence of scrying with the Cup of Jamshid?

Do mind that I’m not judging anything here. I’m just saying that some patterns seem to be repeated over and over again in certain societies. For better or worse.

I’ll leave the interpretations of that up to you.


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