Astrology of Sun in Amordad or Leo and Moon in Mehr or Libra 2012.
About Sunrise in the UK the Moon went from Shahrivar or Virgo to Mehr or Libra. Have a look at the chart. I am going to concentrate on one area this time.
You can see that the Moon is now opposite Uranus. Ooh Uranus you say. Wild things. Yes in ancient Iran it represented the ability to go beyond the conventional. Look at where at where Uranus is in your own horoscope. Vohuman was all about universal botherhood. Networking.
Uranus is in Aries or Farvardin. Right now. The Moon is triggering its energy because it is opposite it. The Moon is in polite diplomatic Mehregan or Libra. There is a tug-of-war. Personal versus impersonal.
So you will have the parts of your life you identify and personal about, that is where Farvardin is in chart, being at loggerheads with the area where you are keeping legal and contractual obligations. What this scenario does, it will either bring new contracts in, or you can’t cope and want to break free, and be independant.
Later the Moon will make easy angles to the Sun and you can really push your luck as I said before. In a couple of days you need to really think about long term relationships that you cannot break free from. Saturn is there in Libra and Mehrvarzi of old need to be seriously dealt with. Especially if you are born around 26th of Mehr.
Short and sweet and a bit late. Yes I got caught up in this Uranus rush. Wohoo!