The Banana-free Republic of
Dr. Ahmadinejad
Ahmadinejad showcased his
small house in a poor neighborhood of Tehran and flaunted his earthy
manners, grooming, and even his ugliness, as the stigmata of a
long suffering servant of the people
July 9, 2005
Looking back at a close election won, lost or stolen
by an unlikely candidate one must guard against over rationalizing.
On occasions
like this pundits who never told us so tend to speak as if they
could have, or nearly did tell us so. The neurotic pundit in us
wants to do the same thing. The results of the recent elections
in Iran, all economic explanations and political conspiracy theories
notwithstanding, could easily have been different. If Karrubi’s
stunt of $60 checks raining from heavens had been slightly more
successful or if Rafsanjaani had pulled out in favor of Karrubi
before the runoff (an option he seriously considered) the pundits
would be singing a very different tune today. With that caveat
let me first puncture an increasingly popular Monday morning retrodiction.
“It was economy stupid” is a fashionable cry these
days. Ahmadinejad promised bread and won, they say. Who cares for
liberties when people are hungry? Marx would be pleased but numbers
belie this logic. In the most deprived states ethnicity of the
candidates, or their position on minority rights predicted the
vote much better than economic factors. Conversely, a lot of the
well-to-do voted for Ahmadinejad. Iran’s most famous novelist
(Doulatabadi) and its most renowned director (Kiarostami) praised
Ahmadinejad’s modesty and commitment to service, even as
they voted for his opponent.
This election, followed the motto
of Ayatollah Khomeini about the Islamic Revolution: it was not
about the price of watermelons. Economics are important but in
Iran the symbolic ace trumps most economic hands. Ahmadinejad won
because he was a master of symbolic interaction. He showcased his
small house in a poor neighborhood of Tehran and flaunted his earthy
manners, grooming, and even his ugliness, as the stigmata of a
long suffering servant of the people. It was not his economic plans
that wooed the poor but such gimmicks as banning bananas (considered
an luxury food item) at his office of Tehran’s Mayor.
the ultimate insider cruised on enormous monetary reserves of right
wing’s hidden economy (including the Revolutionary Guards’ illegal
piers at the Persian Gulf used to import contraband and their huge,
no-bid, Halliburton-like public works contracts) to the summit
of Iran’s politics. And yet Ahmadinejad campaigned on a platform
of exposing the nexus of money and power in Iran and won. He won
because he garnered the opposition vote by playing the righteous
and humble underdog -- just as Khatami had done.
The story of Ahmadinejad’s victory began with the no-show
election of the City Councils when the reform constituency avoided
the polls handing an easy victory to the the new Mayor. Ahamdinejad
pounced on the office of the Mayor with the verve and stamina of
a hungry cheetah. Having borrowed huge sums from his rightwing
allies in Revolutionary Guards and under the guise of service to
people Ahmadinejad milked Tehran to gain popularity. He gave generous
bonuses not only to bus drivers but also to teachers. He built
sports complexes not only for the city but also for universities
and schools. He doled out copper cooking pots to religious congregations
and gold coins to kiosk operators.
Above all, Ahmadinejad built
up his shock troops: the “Mobilization” or Basij militias.
A survival of the eight year war with Iraq, Basij has been maintained
to turn back a hypothetical urban uprising against the Islamic
republic. Under Ahmadinejad, Basij, that is arguably the world’s
best organized corps of high school dropouts got new uniforms and
shiny cars. On the days of the election the Basij were efficiently
and decisively deployed under such code names as “Victory
1, 2 and 3” and “Hyacinth” and got out the vote.
The strident Mr. Karrubi vociferously objected to this misuse of
government funds – to no avail, of course.
A few days before the election all the systems were go for Dr.
Ahmadinejad except for a crucial one: the not-so-secret blessings
of the Supreme Leader, which would mean all kinds of perks. Impressed
by Ahmadinejad’s numbers the Supreme Leader, who has been
active in preventing another reform win for a long time, finally
switched to Ahmadinejad from another right wing candidate. Ahmadinejad,
perfectly fits the templates of an IRI public servant: a pious
cantor, or a “maddah.” Of course one need not be a
maddah in real life to go places in the IRI bureaucracy, but he
should be able to play one at work.
During his tenure at the office
of Tehran’s Mayor Ahmadinejad appointed real-life maddahs to
six out of twenty two districts of the greater Tehran. Ahmadinejad
may not be an actual cantor but he is quite a ham. The simpering,
gaunt fellow was disconcertingly Reaganesk on TV. Given his looks,
it is hard to say camera loved him but he sure knew how to love
the camera. Fortuna continued to smiled on Ahmadinejad. As the election
continued, his rivals’ campaigns flagged and his opponents
proved divided, unprepared and unable to build on the ruins of
eight years of President
Khatami’s inept leadership. Now that he has won that smile
may fade.
Like every populist in power he has to deliver on generously
given promises. The benevolent, hardworking image will wear
thin when the distributive style he practiced as the Mayor of Tehran
proves inflationary at a larger scale. Even if the new petrodollars
(another wink from lady Fortuna) continue to flow in, such
challenges as ending unemployment will prove difficult.
On the cultural
front he has to make difficult choices. These days the Basij
types walk
with a swagger in public spaces in Tehran. They will demand
a better show of public morality, namely enforcing of the dress
women. This will force Ahmadinejad to choose between enforcing
the dress codes and losing the middle classes, or, appeasing
them at the expense of chagrining his loyal shock troops.
But all is not bleak for Dr. Ahmadinejad, who is the sharp edge
of the neo conservative wedge growing in Iran. He can count on
his American counterparts for more unintended support. It was President
Bush’s denunciation of Iranian elections that helped swell
the conservative vote, defeat Karrubi and send Ahmadinejad to the
The American neo cons can oblige their Iranian counterparts
with another salvo of bellicose manna. They can use “their
terrorists” Mujahedeen-e Khalgh corps now stationed in Iraq
(and other user friendly neighbors to the north) or embark on a
limited blockage, invasion or bombing. In the aftermath of such
events reform will be crushed as the fifth column of the foreign
invaders, and nobody in the long food lines will remember that
certain people were not supposed to eat bananas.
Ahmad Sadri is Professor and Chairman of the Department of
Sociology and Anthropology at Lake Forest College, IL, USA. See Features.
See homepage.
This article first appeared in Shargh newspaper in Iran.