Life on the fence
By Siamak Kiarostami
October 10, 2001
The Iranian
I've lived my life
on the fence
off the fence
"my worlds are in conflict with each other"
my balancing act
my hyphenated bullshit --
I've lived the hamburger-kabob dichotomy
of being Iranian in America.
We are found again
in a period of conflict
and fast food patriotism.
Your are with us or against us
but I'm tired of the John Wayne and Mullah
charlatans endlessly rehashing this --
a never ending divorce,
insults, denunciations, accusations
anything but communication.
and now either you are with them or against them
it doesn't feel like we are included in the "us"
caught in the middle of this bullshit
illegitimate turbans and ten gallon hats
are ready for war --
the clash of ignorance is coming
we are not involved,
are we?
Are we to be silent
wrap a US flag around our emotions
and bite our lip?
it has been 22 years
a legacy of silently assimilating or resisting
rediscovering and discarding identities
in fashionable multicultural conflict
living on and off the fence
in a chameleon fashion.
but after September 11th,
It now seems to be a crime to remember our history
or to point out America's.
