The game at Ghamishlou
Photo essay: Hunting & life under Zell-e Sultan
By Abbas Soltani
December 2, 2003
The Iranian
Here are the other photos of Ghamishlou [See: Open
season on sultans]
from Zell-e Sultan's fortress, Zell-e Sultani himself, his son
his servants.
I scanned
these from the originals that my family had. As I mentioned
before, the Ghamishlou region has one of the best game reserves
and from what I've been told, it ranks among the
top 10 in Asia.
Up to the 1979 revolution, the area was the exclusive hunting
ground of Zell-e Sultan, Sarem-e Doleh and their Qajar clan.
One story is that a person from Tiran, a village nearby, was
in the area. He was captured and brought to Ghamishlou where
Zell-e Sultan had tied him in the stable among the livestock
to teach him a lesson for his intrusion.
After the revolution,
during a decade of chaos, poachers hunted most of the animals
to the point of extinction. Since then, the Wildlife Preserve
people have done an amazing job of protecting the area where
today herds of 700-800 are not unheard of.
These pictures should give you a brief insight to what it was
at Ghamishlou at its peak.
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Mass'oud Mirza Zell-e Sultan; "Shadow of
the King",
Governor of Isfahan, son of Naserdin Shah.
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