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"Puzzled": Powell Street at Beaudry
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Stop. And think.
Public art project

Seyed Alavi
July 14, 2005

A Site Specific Public Art Project for Utility Boxes in the City of Emeryville, California
“Signs of the Times” was conceived in direct response to the location and function of the traffic utility boxes, and uses the pedestrian stick figure in order to present a series of poetic vignettes. This site specific project utilizes a context familiar to the viewer, in order to present situations that are funny, accessible and engaging.

Each artwork aims to be read as a sign, which asks one to reflect on some of the issues surrounding the nature of our lives as human beings. The designs for each of the seventeen boxes were developed in collaboration with eight students from Emeryville High School, (Taruna Aggarwal, Brittany Drummer, Alonzo Gomez, Lisa Kuma, Sanjeshni Lata, Kevin Lazo, Jose Martinez and Ashlee Sentman) over a period of two months. With special thanks to Kathy Crow, the dedicated art teacher at Emeryville High School.

For more projects in the “Signs of the Times” series, visit here2day.

Other Projects
* Flying Carpet: Sacramento International Airport
* Tale of Time: Kochi City, Japan
* Who am I: Market Street, San Francisco
* The Color of My Dream: San Francisco Art Education Project
* Nature of Life: San Jose, California
* Un-Covering: Emeryville, California
* Speaking Stones: Richmond, San Francisco

For letters section
To Seyed Alavi

Seyed Alavi



Book of the day

Lost Treasures of Persia
Persian Art in the Hermitage Museum
by Vladimir Loukonine


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