Regime change
NIAC does not represent all Iranian Americans
April 22, 2005
Much like you, I was excited to see an organization established
several years ago to voice the concerns of Iranian Americans.
I assumed some wealthy immigrants from our community decided to
chip in and help establish a force to support our interests. After
all so many other minorities have similar national organizations ... it
seemed a good move now that our numbers have grown in the United
States. We truly have been victims of discrimination, and do need
to have greater participation in public forums.
But recently, I have begun to suspect the motives of the National
Iranian American Council (NIAC). My suspicions were finally tipped
when I received an email this past
week, informing
me that 80% of the Iranian-Americans they had communicated with,
wanted NO CHANGE IN THE REGIME IN IRAN. This was in response to
the US house's recent bill making regime change in Iran, the official
policy of the United States.
This email, came on the back of another recent communication
from NIAC, informing me that Iranian-Americans were against an
invasion of Iran ... which has been suggested in some circles.
Frankly, with much of my immediate family still in Iran, I really
don't relish the prospect of anyone bombing Tehran or any other
major urban center. Maybe many people here and in Iran are probably
in the same boat.
But, regime change, that's a different. Everyone wants regime
change - but without bloodshed (if possible).
NO ONE I have ever met - and I am talking about literally thousands
of Iranians since the revolution - wants this Islamic fascism
or theocracy to continue. NIAC's most recent email - have established
deep suspicions of their motives. It's a flat out lie, maybe a
damn lie, hiding inside the body of a bullshit statistic. NIAC's
statement, under the headline "Four out of five Iranian-Americans
oppose H.R. 282 / S. 333" says:
"Of the 504 letters sent from April 6th to 18th by Iranian Americans
nationwide to their respective House Representatives and Senators,
82.5 percent opposed H.R. 282 / S. 333, while 17.5 percent expressed
support for the bill sponsored by Rep. Ilena Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)
and Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)."
... my ass. It makes my blood
It is a well-known fact that the Mullahs are illegally spending
over $80 Million dollars a year inside the United States trying
to influence US foreign policy. It would be a shrewd move on their
part if they somehow funded a body like NIAC that pretends to
speak on behalf of the Iranian community in the US.
NIAC sets up meetings with representatives and senators
- continuously implying that they represent us, Iranian-Americans.
Buying influence in our name. Its unclear to me, who selected
these bullshit artists (NIAC's leadership)? Who is funding
them? And how they came to exist in the first place?
It is also well known that the United States and especially
the Republicans have maintained surrogate relationships with the
mullahs. Ever since the October 1980, when they traded with the
Mullahs to hold the hostages and humiliate Jimmy Carter; up to
recent arrangements to cut into Afghanistan with Iranian financed "Northern
Alliance", the US administration has come out and publicly
denounced the Mullahs but privately maintained dealings with them.
Now, suddenly there is a bill on the table that would limit
this hypocrisy and two-faced behavior. Suddenly any act that counters
this bill could immediately be cause for legal action, and criminal
violation of federal law.
This bill has to be welcomed by Iranian- Americans or Iranians
in general. It is good policy for the US, and regime change would
be good for Iran. Win-Win on both sides. How can it make sense
for the US to support and engage with a bunch of shady theocrats,
whose supreme leader is an opium addict, who are all getting rich
by monopolizing Iran's basic industries, who have closed down
hundreds of newspapers, who have abused human rights, who have
stolen Iran's democracy? The mullah's regime has no legitimacy.
Only, a puppet organization like NIAC would dare defend
the mullahs from extinction.
Some in the United States government (maybe the House of Representatives)
may have finally realized that double standards and duplicity
can no longer be the basis of US government policy and actions.
In this age of the Internet, and massive information exchange
- nothing can be kept hidden for any serious time frame. The world
has become smarter, more connected and less easily deceived.
These same representatives, may have also realized that no-one
and no group has gone out and created more hatred against the
United States, more effectively than the US government itself.
America's greatest enemy has been America itself.
They supported Mossadegh's downfall only to apologize 20 years
later. They supported the Taliban only to invade Afghanistan a
few years ago. They supported the Shah's downfall and supported
the rise of Iran's Islamic regime, to regret it now.
Perhaps some of these representatives also understand that the
greatest incentive to Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists from
Morocco to Malaysia is the continued wealth and success of Iran's
Islamic Leadership. They realize that the most effective tool
to eliminate terrorism would be eliminating Iran's Islamic radicals
and fascists.
Consistency of policy and actions with basic American values
will increasingly be the norm going forward. No one should oppose
that. It is a great step towards a sustainable and long-term oriented
US foreign policy.
And once this bill passes the Senate, lets make a pledge as
an Iranian-American community to bring to surface any US action
that counters this law. With the Internet, and Iranian.com as
our tool, we can disseminate any information very quickly ... and
I (for one) will take the onus of contacting the US Department
of Homeland Security and be tenacious enough as a citizen, to
make sure they prosecute any violators of this law.
For now perhaps, we should have NIAC's funding and leadership
investigated. It is in fact a violation of US law for any organization
to be active in the United States (outside of the Iranian Interests
Section of the Embassy of Pakistan) with funding from the Islamic
Republic of Iran trying to influence US foreign policy, in favor
of the Mullahs.
NIAC would do better to use their resources to hire lawyers
to sue the US government for selling calibration equipment and
intermediates for chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein during the
Iran-Iraq war, that led to massive killings and casualties from
chemical agents. We keep learning more about this as more of Saddam's
documents become public.
Or perhaps use their resources to sue some of the key players
that are still active in the US government who were involved in
dealings with the Mullahs, in violation of US law, to keep the
US embassy hostages from getting freed, to humiliate Jimmy Carter
and steal the US presidential elections. Protecting democracy
in the United States is important for Iranian-Americans too!!
Perhaps, in the process of taking these legal actions, the average
American might understand that Iranians have been victims of a
big domestic scam!! And maybe, anti-Iranian-American discrimination
will diminish.
Supporting the regime in Iran is the wrong move for NIAC.
The wrong move. And in this age of communication, it will not
take long for NIAC's true colors to show up.