Nuke mullahs
A nuclear future may be inevitable, tyranny is not
May 10, 2005
Uranium will always be in Iran's future, after
all Iran has considerable uranium reserves. Although Iran did
not even rank
on OECD's list of countries with reasonably assured uranium reserves
(RAR), and even though Iranian reserves have not been fully mapped,
Iran does have at least 10 uranium mines (according to public
statements by the government). And, just two shafts in one mine
alone in Saghand (near Yazd, in the middle of the dessert) has
proven reserves of over 1.58 million metric tons of uranium ore,
which translate into 842 Metric tons of uranium. This reserve
alone (in Saghand) would rank Iran 27th on the OECD's list!
And then consider that 2 of the top ten nations with uranium
reserves are in Central Asia. And Turkey is 15th on the same
list. It really is not a far stretched to imagine that Iran might
have substantial untapped reserves. No one can deny that and
no one can take this resource away. It is a resource with
economic value, in a world where uranium like other precious
raw material is traded. So there will eventually be economic
pressure to exploit these resources.
It's also interesting that before 1979 while the Shah reigned,
France's sale of nuclear plants and technology to Iran was supported
by the United States. The Shah had announced plans
to build 30 nuclear power plants by the year 2000, with possible
purchases from other European and U.S. manufacturers. Now the Russians
are completing those same plants that were left unfinished (due
to the revolution). And now suddenly it's not kosher.
But much like the uranium deposits, the existing installations
won't go away.
And isn't it ridiculous to consider that Iran with its own
minerals, and with its own power plants will somehow send its
uranium out to another country for enrichment for additional cost,
then buy it back for importation to use in its plants. Especially
when the enrichment process is simple and well established.
Then there is this other simple
truth that Iran's current economic growth rate will mean increased
diversion of oil from exports
for internal consumption. This of course will diminish Iran's
foreign currency revenues. If this trend continues, much like the
today, Iran will be a leading oil producer only to import more
oil! So there is a logical case for diversifying energy production
upon other natural resources the country has -- such as nuclear
power based on Iranian uranium. A solution that the U.S. government
has itself chosen in order to meet the electricity needs of the
American people.
No one admits it in the U.S.
media, but these are the simple truths. And focusing on whether
or not Iran is, or will
be, can be, or should be a 'nuclear club' country is simply misplaced.
It's simply inevitable.
The issue, quite frankly is not Iran's nuclear future. The
real issue is that somehow, the mullahs might cheat and instead
of using their enrichment process to produce low-grade fuel for
the plants, they might use it to produce high-grade fuel for
bombs. This really is an indirect way of saying that no one has
faith in Iran's government. Yes, it's the regime... stupid!
why not do something about the regime -- instead of focusing
on the nuclear issue? If they have no faith in Iran's government,
then why do they have regular secret meetings with them,
negotiate with them, and align with them to invade Afghanistan
or Iraq?
The U.S. should just come straight out and push for regime
change, rather than impede Iran's nuclear future. Let's stop
playing games.
If the U.S. and its allies go to the Security Council this
summer and propose sanctions against Iran but leave the
regime in place, it will be a real disservice to Iran and
Iranians. The mullahs have withstood sanctions before.
They will
find a way to retain power and keep their grip on the nation.
Iranians clearly will need nuclear power, and have every reason
to embrace it. A stable, democratic, secular, globally engaged
Iran will be and can held accountable both domestically and internationally
for its nuclear programs. The greatest deterrent to a nuclear
disaster or nuclear abuse is democracy itself.
The mullahs have only served their
personal interests. They would use any military capability to
promote their private agenda of holding onto power at all costs.
This is the same group that sent human waves and young children
into battle and minefields during the Iran-Iraq war, leading
to hundreds of thousands of deaths. They have proven their zero
regard for human life or dignity.
It is therefore more critical than ever before to accelerate
regime change in Iran. Iran's nuclear future is inevitable. Tyranny
is not. The sooner Iran's nuclear future is placed in responsible
hands, the better off Iran and the world will be.