Most Iranians residing outside Iran are well aware of the difficult living situations back home. We hear about it through our family and friends, or even see it first hand if our busy lives give us a chance to take a short trip.
There are many families in need of what most of us take for granted every day. Many children sleep hungry at night simply because their father or mother (assuming they're alive) were not able to provide for them. Some of these kids have to work, instead of going to school, to help their sick parents in providing the basic necessities of life for their families.
Now the good news is that there are several organizations, some governmental and some private, which are involved in providing help to these families. What I have to offer here is simply another way to help some of those needy families who perhaps have not been reached by other organizations.
I was contacted about three months ago by one of my relatives who works in HelAleh Ahmar (Red Crescent) Pharmacy in Isfahan. He sent me a stack of letters written by a group of needy children (click on their images above).
These letters contain a short description of each child's family situation and problems along with an address in Iran and a picture. Each letter is authored by a different child, with a different problem, but they are all reaching out to anyone who can help.
You can either make donations directly to a particular family or child below through their own friends or relatives in Iran, or you can contact me for more information on how I'm planning on sending donations to Iran, how often, how I keep track of things, etc. You can email me by clicking here: Kourosh Amiri.
Or you can contact me at:
8x8, Inc.
2445 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: 408-727-1885
Direct: 408-654-0987