Portland's hunger strike
... in honor of Akbar Ganji
August 7, 2005
On August 4th the new Iranian
president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in, replacing Mohammad
Khatami. The eight-year reformist control of the
administrative branch in Iran has come to an end. In a slow
move the hardliners took over the legislative branch a year
a half
ago and
with this change in presidency they will control all three
branches of the government in addition to all the powers
that are vested in the unelected supreme leader Ayatollah
Ali Khamenei.
A quarter century after the Islamic Revolution
in Iran, the new president won the elections with the promise
to reverse
all the moderate and West-leaning social and economic policies
of the past sixteen years. This in effect means that he is
going back to the revolutionary sentiments of the early 80s
when Iran was in the middle of an eight-year bloody war with
Ahmadinejad, himself a revolutionary
guard commander with a civil engineering Ph.D., has been
the mayor of Tehran for the past two years. He belongs to
a faction of the power structure that comes from a military
and intelligence
background. While the world is seriously cautious about Iran's
nuclear ambitions, this change in power balance promises
a darker stage in contemporary Iranian history.
What I am writing today, however, is not exactly about the
new president. It is about a soul in danger of disappearing
and a light close to dying.
Mr. Akbar Ganji, an Iranian investigative
journalist and a prominent advocate of human rights and civil
society has been in prison for more than five years. Mr.
Ganji was arrested on April 22, 2000 following his participation
in an academic and cultural conference held at the Heinrich
Böll Institute in Berlin, April 7-9, 2000. He was sentenced
on January, 2001 to 10 years imprisonment plus five years
internal exile.
Then, on July 16, 2001, Ganji was sentenced
by an appeal court to six years in prison on vaguely worded
charges of collecting confidential information that harms
national security and spreading propaganda against the Islamic
regime by attending the Berlin Conference. In fact, it appears
that major reason for Ganji's imprisonment is a series
of articles he has written as an investigative journalist
implicating leading Iranian government figures in the
murders of several dissident writers and intellectuals in
the 1990s.
It is with astonishment to know that a person, who has served
his country, has devoted his life to the improvement of civil
society and has come to be known as one of the most vocal
and respected journalists of his time should be treated in
this way.
Mr. Ganji is an honorable member of PEN Canada
and continues his work and writing even from inside the prison
wards and now from hospital quarantine. Ganji is one of the
Iranian government's most forceful critics. In his
writings, he has criticized Iran's system of governance.
In a letter smuggled out of jail last week, Ganji
held Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamanei, directly responsible
for his
persecution and possible death. According to his wife,
the judicial authorities have pressured him to "repent" for
his writings as a condition for his release.
Ganji has
served nearly five-and-a-half years of his six-year sentence
while most prisoners in Iran are eligible for pardon
after serving half of their sentence. He suffers from
acute asthma that he developed in prison. The Iranian
authorities have repeatedly prevented Ganji from receiving
specialist medical care or taking medical leave like other
prisoners are permitted.
In protest of his unfair treatment,
Ganji began a hunger strike almost two months ago, and has
since sustained himself only on liquids. As Sarah Leah
Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch wrote,
"It is a serious contravention of the most basic humanitarian
and the international community should strongly
condemn it."
Unfortunately all efforts to resolve
this issue have failed, President Bush, Senator Joseph Biden,
the European Union, Amnesty International, Archbishop Desmund
Tutu, five other Noble Laureates, and many other international
figures have appealed for his release without any response
from the Iranian judiciary which is another stronghold of
the unelected supreme leader.
Akbar Ganji is suffering
tremendously from 57 days of hunger strike, has lost more
than one third of his weight and his
health situation puts him in grave danger. As a freelance
journalist myself, I and a group of other concerned citizens
in Portland, I have started a limited hunger strike as of
Friday afternoon in the South Park Blocks in front
of the
Portland State University's library, as the sacred place
of Book and Pen, in honor of Akbar Ganji and in solidarity
children who are going to be sitting in front of the United
Nations' office in Tehran at the same time.
PLEASE light
a candle for all prisoners of conscience!
Goudarz Eghtedari, Ph.D., is a Human Rights and
Peace activist, a community organizer, a writer, and producer
of the Voices
of the Middle East program on KBOO 90.7 fm (VoicesOfTheMiddleEast.com).
He has served on the boards of the Oregon Peace Institute
and the Iranian Human Rights Group, and is a member of
the Iranian Studies Advisory Board at Portland State University.