Retrieving 1931
A family and Prime Minister Foroughi on film
Farhad Sepahbody
The Iranian
Sometime ago a friend of mine retrieved
a 1931 home movie from Tehran and sent it to me. The 16mm film
is two minutes and has been transferred onto video.
shows my father and mother in their residence
in Geneva where he represented our country at
the Societé des Nations (League of Nations).
The film was taken by Abdollah
Entezam, a junior member of my father's staff, who was passionate
about photography.
It also shows my sister Parvine and I,
we were
almost babies as you can see.
Best of all it shows, at
the end, Ali Foroughi, the famed Prime Minister, who had
come to preside over a conference. (Sorry if he picks his nose.)
I am sure his
grandchildren living in the US would like to see the film
>>> Watch
Sepahbody is a career diplomat turned journalist. He was Iran's
last ambassador to Morroco under Mohammad
Reza Shah.
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