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April 2002

April 22, 2002

* We're all terrorists?
* Will anything galvanize Iranian Americans?
* Iranian regime at fault
* Similartities and differences
* Someone-else-will-fix-it mentality
* What idiocy has led the Iranian community to do nothing?
* Utterly shocked
Yadollah Sahabi
* Totally unfair to Mossadegh
* Are we so void of good politicians
Middle East
* Would you side with Saddam to get the girl?
* Proving Iranians are shallow
* Mockery of the pretentious intellectuals
* More suitable for Playboy
* Most pathetic depiction of romance
* Perverted bird brain
* Same Plestinians they are weeping for
* U.S. intentions are clear
* Same tactics as Zionist gangs
* Subtle insight into mixed feelings
* Stop the anti-Islam attitude
* Hejab not a sign of oppression
* Looked very elegant to me
Shaban Beemokh
* Khod forookhteh
Sexual abuse
* "Mr. Hosseini"gets his turn :-)
* Parents' negligence
* A lot to be said about neo-tribal traits
* Wiser and less intolerant than say 20 years ago
* Symptoms of deeper traits
* Very similar
* He finally confessed
* No more negative waves please
* Find another one!
* Easy to listen
* Edit "F" words
* Leeste naaghess
* Get your butt kicked by Alexander the Great -- on film

April 18, 2002

Yadollah Sahabi
* Silence on Sahabi
Middle East
* Shaboon could have helped Venezuela
* He belongs behind the bars.
* She broke the taboo
* I plan to read the book
* Verbal incitement to terror
* Exceptional Fisk
* Absurd exaggeration
* Arabs have themselves to blame
* My money buys the bullets
* No one deserves this
* Gutless U.S. news media
* Right versus wrong
* Sharon should be placed on trial
* Not war between Islam and Judaism
* Give New Mexico to Mexico
Pro-Palestinian Hijab
* Iranian or Arab?
* Iranians who care
* We should learn from Europeans
* I sympathize with Palestinians too, but...
* Great to see an Iranian woman who is not afraid
* Viva to you
* I don't understand
* Hejab is not Iranian
Sexual abuse
* Thank you for opening the door
* Stories of abuse defied belief
* I too was abused
* Flogged and shot
* You are very strong
* Humbled and speechless
* For those who think Iranians have no faults
* Silence is more torture for the children
* Careful with approaching Mr. Hosseini
* Should have been castrated
* Mom failed
* Honesty and courage
* Doesn't matter where one is from
Arash Emamzadeh
* I realllllyyyyy loved it
* Magnificent interpretation
* No, fuck you
* Not another John Nash
* Happened to me too
* Pathological liar
April Fools
* Pissing my pants
Junior Jobs
* Extremely proud
* Thank you
* Women's only REAL accomplishment: children
* Hooloo!
* Ezdevaj esarat neest
* A father knows these things
* Time for a voice in literary world
* Sarvenaz getting married
* Wish you had not accepted his proposal
* I totally understood
* You don't like Iranian men
Abdolmadjid Madjidi
* To get close to them or...?
* Greatest gift to our future
* How many years has it been?
Iran photos
* Amazing
* I just felt sad
* Flawed
Visiting Iran
* Most prefer change without involvement
Reza Pahlavi
* All of us versus IRI
* Support Reza Pahlavi II
* Heeezome tar
* Helping the West to tear us down
* Idea for a new flag
* Is this architecture?
* Cultivate your love
13 Bedar photos
* Lezat bordam
* Horrible
* Kolli honarmandin
* Captured the spirit
* Legally changing my name
Sadaf Kiani Abbassian
* NIYAZ shenidan an ra dashtam
* He didn't say it
* Send me magazines
* Good and Evil
* What does Ahvaz mean?
* Worst memories in Iran

April 10, 2002

Sexual abuse
* Stunned by your courage
* Avoid Hossein Agha
* I thought it is just here
* Facing old demons
* Breaking another taboo
* Our "luty" driver
* Significant contribution
* Don't trust nokar and kolfats
* Not become bee aaberoo
* God knows how many
* Human rights abuses
* Jewish voice
* Only one kind of terrorism
* Arrogant or ignorant
* Missing the point completely
* Could not care less
* Start expressing solidarity
* Seems dumb
* Nothing new
* Biased against Israel
* Palestinian state never existed
* Dome khoroos
* Why so hard to understand?
Nader Davoodi
* Exhibit these great pictures
Visiting Iran
* Never understood how
* Focusing on the stupid things
* Standing up for what you believe
April Fools
* Profound expression and rebellion
* My aunt
* Very brave woman
* Touched
* Brat-philosophy as art
* Did you hire the model?
* Twisted bitch
* Gives me hope
* Continue your journey
* Perhaps a book?
* Fooled me again
* Mindless
* Better than last year
* No Iranian equivalent
* I mean c'mom
* I'm Haji Feerooz
* Could it be? Nawww...
* Possible I suppose
* Go girl!
* For a second
* Bad taste
* Not funny
* Ageh raast meegee cheraa...?
* Surprising tobeh
* You found your way
* Radical change
* Bought it. Damn
* Na in vari kheili, na oonvari
* From Jendeh to Zeynab
* I completely protest
* Great idea
* What was your source?
* No way
* He is the best
* Reza Shah Dovom
* You know who's a dork?
* Tit for tat
* Mossadegh
* Tanhaa raahe nejaat
* News headlines
* Worse than Islamic government
* With an open mind
* Remarkable linguistic work
* Doing good
* Persian, rather than Iranian
* We forget that our true activists
* You write so well
* What makes YOU so special?!
dAyi Hamid
* Chastity and virtue
* Hamash raaste
Sadaf Kiani
* Very different
* Admiration
* Big preppy pussy
* You pathetric imbecile
* We have all been through that
* You think people are fools?
* Caspiani?
* Don't be born on June 4
* I am forever correcting
* I don't believe you
* It's music
* Mahdollah
* Now you have to write a book
* Obviously
* Rassoul to Russell
* Reminded me of another story
* I like Tandeese (goddess)
* Wonderful
Persian Gulf
* Looking for parents
* Soleiman Abdolrasouli
* Hamid Tabassian
* Mansoor Jafari
* Contacting Reza Baraheni
* Restaurant in Great Neck















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