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July 14, 2004Top

* Some choice!

Good for you Maryam! [Saving children from the chador]

I was one that allegedly took the veil "by choice." It was really just to please my (then, now ex) Iranian Shi-ite husband since he kept pestering me to humor him with it. So I humored him and, in return, demanded that it remain my own choice to either take or leave hijab. He acted affronted about that. He said women were NEVER forced to wear the hijab. They only wore it by choice.

When we went to Iran, I found out differently. Any attempt to remove the hijab resulted in beatings. Any stray hair peeping out resulted in harassment by the stupid morals police. Some choice! Now days, I think I'd just kill the next an that tried pressuring me in hijab I detest it so much!

You're so right! A school girl would never consider refusing her parents' demand to wear hijab to school no matter how much difficulty it gave her. This is, as you said, a case where the state needs to step in and defend the girl from even subtle intimidation. Let her be emancipated and adult enough to make her own decisions about that.

Another side affect of hijab in schools is one you didn't mention. It hasn't happened too much here in the U.S., but in France, hijab had an effect on Muslim boys that you might just chalk down to political Islam: before the hijab was officially banned in schools there (still being hotly contested), non-Muslim, unhijabbed, girls were being more and more harassed and assaulted by Muslim boys who - due perhaps to the comparison with the hijabbed girls - were viewing them less as fellow students and more as sex-objects devoid of humanity.

The trouble THAT caused was one of the reasons hijab was banned in French schools, but it doesn't get mentioned as much because, I think, the PeeCees don't wish to insult Muslims there with the awful way their boys are behaving. Too polite, methinks, but at least they are sticking to their guns in upholding the ban.

Perhaps you would be interested in a forum that discusses such things? Perhaps you've heard of The forum there is quite a lively place to which you could conceivably add a lot.

Debra Watts


All past letters

By subject
July 2004

July 14

* Some choice!
* What hejab signifies

* Only difference
* Zendeh bashi

* US-Israel don't like it
* Informative

* Two-faced America
* Upsetting
* Insulting billion Muslims
Fahrenheit 9/11
* Moore convincing
* Promoting democracy?
* A little worse

* Misleading notions
* Don't feel guilty
* Misunderstood
* Our human experiences
* Iran was better
* Help me not forget
* Fan mail

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