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July 8, 2004Top

* West's own mess

Your article [Fermez la bouche] tries hard to wash the hand of the neo-con murderers who have killed tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's and the count still continues.

For your information French were the very reason the American revolution succeeded. To scrach the surface a little more of the idocrocy in the article, American revolution took a hundred years to engage in a civil war to free the slaves. That war killed tens of thousands of people and was more than 1200 years after Islamic forces defeated a millinum of Roman conquest of eastern lands and freed all slaves.

Maybe you should stop geegling at history and realize that French were the very one's who gave the US the Statue of Liberty, Luisiana and seperation of religion and the state. Mr. Bush (ur love) have asked for the list of the Protestant Chruch member list to support his campaign of terror for another re-election.

Then, since you love the Western democracy so much you can not understand that the whole wold is against a war of subjugation. The Western world seems to be fed up with the very wars it caused which ended up killing 185 million people. Mr. Bush and your lovely supporter, the US, have their huge share with usage of atomic wars, coups (remember CIA-SHAH-1953?), and supporting of Suhartos, Zia Ul Haghs (who hanged an elected president and caused the mayham in Afghanistan), Al Sauds, Sharons and many others.

So, let reality reign instead of fake words of freedom and democracy. Democracy is home breed and does not come from imposed wars and invasions. Democracy is a choice: it is not anti-religion or have specificity to what murderes like Bush, Sharon and Blair want. It belongs to the people of a country. If they decide to do this or that, they should be free.

Democracy is not being subjected to coups, invasions, sanctions and being called evil on one's own economic and special interest connections and needs.

I think you are just as despicable as MKO and the paid subjects of the US. Let Iranians pave their own way to their own type of democracy and find the hurdles they need to raise. Iranian people do not need the subjects and theories of the Westerners whose wars have caused sever dismay on the easterners for more than 2500 years, to tell them what to do and how.

Easterners need to be left alone more than anything. This will help them cope with the subjugation policies of more than 25 centures.

Get a real grip of history not what Westerners try to project into us!

Hess Aletaha


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July 2004

July 8

Shirin Ebadi
* Rock bottom
* Incomplete
* Be kind!
* Marxist religion
* So self-hating
* Power of unity
* Too proud to admit

* West's own mess

* Better off

* NEVER the same
* Medical talk shows
* Few undesirables
Persian vs. Farsi
* Language of victors
Simin Behbahani
* Nice, but...
* Alternative photo
* 4-letter word

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