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Iranian of the day

January 9, 2006

My Iranian of the day is Siavash Saffarpour. Siavash passed away this week in Iran at the young age of 25. He was a political dissident who loved Iran sincerely and constantly strived for her freedom. This brilliant young man had numerous opportunities to continue his education abroad, but decided to stay in Iran with the explicit hopes of contributing to Iran’s educated class and future students.  Although he died at a young age, Siavash was a great brother to his siblings, a great son to his parents, and a counselor to his friends.  He was the type of man who would move you at first sight and would you would make you a better person just by knowing him. Siavash life reminds us once again that we need not be martyrs to be heroes.  Pictures from his funeral can be found at this link: (farsi)

Sent by Nema Milaninia

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