June 27, 2007
I would like to enlist my good friend, Dr. Leila Mahasti Jouybari, as the latest Iranian of the Day. Leila is a Professor of Nursing at the Golestan University of Medical Sciences in Gorgan, Iran. She not only keeps up with her educational duties, but maintains a website and a blog devoted to medical news and information. She uses both English and Farsi, and her sources know no boundaries. She is devoted to her profession as an educator at her University and seeks to help all with information regarding Nursing and Medical issues. She also travels to conferences far and wide seeking greater education. She also spent time as a visiting scholar at Utah University in the United States. I chanced onto Dr. Jouybari through online chat over two years ago, and we are in contact quite often. I consider Leila to be one of my best friends. I have often helped her in research and English translation when requested. I honestly do not know anyone who works so hard, yet stays so young. I am proud of you, my friend, Doctor Leila Jouybari.
* Her website is: //www.jouybari.net
* Her Blogsite is: //jouybari.blogfa.com
-- Jim Dunn
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