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Color of tomorrow
Photo essay: Delivering donated art supplies for children in Tehran
Sadaf Kiani
June 12, 2006
Hello lovely team,
It was one of the first beautiful days of spring in May that I went to the "Association of Protection of Child Laborers" in Tehran. Parviz drove me through the green tree lined highway passed down town Tehran to Molavi Square. Between the mass of traffic and crowds of people I arrived at the narrow lane that led to the building that was my destination.
As I approached the building, I saw the children. As they noticed me they gathered and we started talking. They showed me to the principal’s office. I talked to the principal about the project and made an appointment for the following week to bring supplies and give an art lesson to the kids.
After talking with the principal, I learned that the children of the Association where all illegal immigrants from Afganastan. They could not go to regular Iranian schools. This made me rethink the name of the project, as the original name "Creative Children of Iran" did not seem appropriate. I remembered talking about the project name with Zohreh and she suggested the name “Color of Tomorrow”, which I now call this project.
A few days later, I went to the grande bazaar in Tehran with Mohammad Reza and bought all the art supplies with your donations. A week after that, Behroo came to meet me at my place and together we went to the Association. When we arrived, the children were waiting for us with anticipation and excitement. They helped to unload the art supplies, at the Association office; where they will be stored for use in class. Then, off for a two hour art lesson.
The week after that, I attended a program at the Andisheh Cultural House. There I met the principal of the Iranian Children's Rights Society. I talked with her about the project. She informed me that they had two children’s centers in Tehran. She gave me the contact information for Nasser Khosrow. I called and made an appointment for the following week. A few days later, Michael came to my place with his tour leader and we had a cup of tea. He gave me a package of art supplies that he had collected and brought from the States.
This time I was traveling by myself, so I took a taxi. When I arrived at the Center, and after unloading the art supplies, with the assistance of the children, I was introduced to the teacher, her name was Hiwa, who was an architecture student and volunteer art teacher. We had two memorable hours with the children.
Attached are some pictures from the art lessons given at both organizations.
I sincerely thank you for your participation in this project and in assisting me in the wonderful experience I enjoyed in bringing this project to the children.
I wish that "Color of Tomorrow" will be something ongoing. I know of children in Bamm that desperately need hope and joy in their lives. Unfortunately, it was not within my possibility to go to Bamm this visit, but the need there is very great.
Enjoy seeing the smiles you have put on these innocent faces...