Destiny unfolds
All systems harbor their own
seeds of destruction and will sooner or later give birth to their own opposites
August 16, 2005
For centuries now, Islam as an ideology has gone more or less unchallenged
in Iran. Or rather, put in other words, it has not faced any great
external ideological challenges for a good many centuries. In the
absence of such forces it has managed to hold its grip on the Persian
people despite their strong, subconscious desire for the distant
This trend, however, was greatly disturbed after the mid and
late periods of the 20th century when a range of factors, including
technological advances, opened the floodgates to Western Liberalism
and various other alternatives to the long held philosophical
of certain classes of people.
Today, the ferocity with which the religious fanatics of our
time are resisting this modernising trend of liberal thought
has great
light to shed on the nature of their beliefs. In his wonderful
book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig
tells us that "you are never dedicated to something that
you have complete confidence in. No one is fanatically shouting
the sun is going to rise tomorrow.
They know it's going to rise tomorrow. When people are fanatically dedicated
to political or religious faiths or any other kind of dogmas or goals, it's
always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt."
Much like the crisis
of the church during the period of the renaissance in Europe, it is quite
ironic that
doubt and uncertainty are the elements at the very core of a faith based
ideology with the promise of certainty to its followers. All systems harbor their own
seeds of destruction and will sooner or later give birth to their own opposites.
Where once was faith and certainty, doubt and uncertainty will dwell. This
may not destroy the system entirely but will forever render it powerless
in the face
of the opposite trend.
And on a side note I should also mention here that
I do not adhere to a cyclical view of history but rather to
an upward spiraling trend of linear events that
build on our previous experiences and thus carry us
into the future. There are also a number of side effects resulting from the
previously mentioned resistance against new ideas that are
of particular
interest to me here.
the fanatics are quite thoroughly discrediting the very faith they strive
to spread and thus further expose and weaken the roots of their ideology.
their harsh fanaticism and suppression of the majority alienates them from
the masses and builds greater resistance against what is more and more apparent
the Iranian people to be an alien faith and thus drives people further back
towards their own past roots. This we can easily witness in the form of the
newly rejuvenated
passion with which such pre-Islamic rituals as Norooz and Chaarshanbeh Soori
are being celebrated in recent years.
Now in order to further clarify my point I'd like
to employ the example of vaccination against diseases as an analogy here.
It is precisely the presence of an external
virus in the body that builds resistance to that particular foe and thus
makes the body stronger against it. For a time, however, the body will be weakened
and will seemingly be taken over by the virus. This may even lead to sickness
and fever as it often does in small children, but the end result is always
greater resistance.
And lastly I'd like to remind my brethren in arms that this is a crucial point
in our history. With effort we can transform this time into a hinge at which
our fate could turn a new page and give us the opportunity to freely create our
own destiny on the blank canvas of tomorrow. The enemy is weak and retreating.
Its cause forever lost and its roots exposed. This is the time to strike. This
is the time for dealing hammer after sledge hammer of philosophical blows to
the roots
of this evil which has for so long befallen our proud nation.
A clear and practical philosophy, sufficiently appealing to the young masses
must, however, be readily available to replace the current toxic mindsets. But
I believe that a simple reawakening of the old is not enough. We must combine
the values of our Persian forefathers with the wealth of knowledge and experiences
we have gained throughout the ages and create a new pair of lenses through which
we can peer at the
world around us.
That world is changing, changing faster than some like to believe. It's a brave
new world and its message simple. Adapt. Or perish.