This is... Spartaaaaaaaaa!
What hope could you ever have in a world such as ours if you are shaken to your core by something as simple as this film?
May 1, 2007
Erfan as I see it
October 10, 2006
We don't need old farts
We need young, charismatic and reckless leaders who can breathe fire into our hearts and strengthen our will
June 2, 2006
Noble lies
America and the neoconservative agenda
October 30, 2005
Democracy is overrated
The authoritarian development state
October 6, 2005
An illusion called time
I would rather try to weave the threads of my own destiny
and maintain the illusion of control then surrender whole
August 24, 2005
Destiny unfolds
All systems harbor their own seeds of destruction and will sooner or later give
birth to their own opposites
August 16, 2005
We need a fox
In other words one should never fasten one's sword out in
the open
July 18, 2005
Once upon a dream
All that remains is the memories
February 21, 2005
Arguing with reptiles
Thinking leads to truth as much as driving leads to a destination.
The question here is what "truth" and what destination?
February 3, 2005
Global transition
The Middle East is a gem in the developing world, the liberation
of which remains the prime concern of the United States, acting
on behalf of the most powerful corporations on earth
December 17, 2004
Thought, character and destiny
Changing our reality can be as easy as changing our thoughts
December 1, 2004