We need a fox
other words one should never fasten one's sword out in the open
July 18, 2005
I am writing this in response
to a number of our brethren who have made it their mission to
combat the old religious and dogmatic ideologies that have hitherto
been ravaging our great nation like the plagues of Egypt. It
has been some two and a half thousand years or so since the Ancient
Greeks started to explain the nature of the world about them
without referring to myth and religious dogma, and a resulting
consequence has of course been the modern world with all of its
marvels, both good and bad.
One, however, can only remain awestruck
at the current state of our lives and the still overbearing
nature of the primitive thought that has a great many of our
the darkest of dispositions.
The frustration and sheer anger of an ever growing
segment of the population directed towards the current destructive
mindsets has
roots partly in the realisation that superficial change of governments
and constitutions may not be enough to break us free of the terrible
affliction that currently plagues our society; and since the
quality of the physical reality around us will only be as worthwhile
the quality of our thoughts and philosophies, then I am afraid
they may be
somewhat right in their assumption.
The most common mistake, however,
made in anger and haste by some of our brethren, and one that
I myself am no less guilty of, is
the direct and open attacks made on current religious mindsets.
I should remind people that a direct and open attack on any religious
system or ideology only serves to achieve two things:
First it
builds resistance and secondly it may discredit or alienate the
involved parties. As Niccolo Machiavelli would remind us, such
an occasion bears the use of the Fox and not the Lion, or in
other words one should never fasten one's sword out in the open
as it
were, if I may use the age old adage. That is not to say the
Lion plays no part in this game but when it does it should do
so in
its own good time and preferably in the
cloak of the Fox.
Another matter worth bearing in mind is that all systems harbor
their own seeds of destruction. There is no weapon of higher grade
or quality than the enemy's own ideology, for sooner or later it
becomes the architect of its own demise. Especially those incapable
of reform! So our job here is not so much to act as an opposition
but as a
Now my aim here is not to suggest a particular strategy or way
of approaching such situations. I merely wish to inform my brethren
in arms that one should always be as subtle and shrewd as possible,
and when necessary, put on the enemy's own cloak. Ironically this
may alienate one from one's own comrades, which more or less sums
up the
difficulty of this balancing act, that is politics.