This doctor shit is hard
What happens the day before the
big test?
Part 3 Part
1 Part
April 17, 2005
By the time this gets published, I'll be done with everything,
so I guess my timing is off, but studying like a madman tends
to do that. It's been a crazy week, probably the busiest
of my life, and it's finally all come to a head. I'm
taking my MCAT tomorrow morning. What happens the day before the
big test? Basically, it went something like this:
I got up at around 9 am, even though I usually take advantage
of Fridays to sleep in. After 45 minutes of video games and
a shower, me and my man Noel went to Fuddruckers, which sells
hamburgers, and ate a big meal. He's taking the MCAT too,
and although we were both thinking about the exam a little bit,
we mostly talked about girls, roommates, New Brunswick's
crazy guy, and the massive amount of nothing that we were going
to do after this Saturday. We have it all planned out. I'm
going to sit directly across from the TV, with my roommate OT
in the other chair slightly to the left of mine. Noel will sit
on the couch that is adjacent to OT's chair with its back
against the wall. We are going to watch Law and Order episodes
and eat. I will also smoke a lot of ghalyoon; it doesn't
really matter which flavor, although I will probably be in the
mood for caramel.
Back to the day at hand: after Fuddruckers, we had to get up,
which is difficult after a 2/3 lb. burger with fries and dessert.
Nevertheless, we made it to his car, drove back to our neighborhood,
and parted ways, and when I got in to my house, I set about
my business. I scoped out the spot where I'll be taking my
test tomorrow straight NYPD style from my car with the aviators
on, and I got my photo taken at Kinko's (they have an ID
card for you to hand in, and they thumbprint you; mad weird).
Then I came back home and studied.
People have been calling me all day and I've been calling
them. We wish each other good luck on the test, reassure
each other that we'll do fine... very genuine, mature-sounding
conversations, agreeable text messages, etc. It's a far
cry from when everybody was talking about doing Aderol and
freaking out about what they would do with the next 50 years
or so of
life if they didn't get at least a 30. Each conversation
me feel better; not that I feel bad, but it's nice to have
people be considerate enough to wish you good luck the day
before the shit hits the fan.
Anyway, things are probably going to go well tomorrow, and
a bunch of kids are going to be able to get on with their
me. I can't help but think of all the Iranian (or Perrrrshian)
kids who have gone through or are in the process of finishing
out the same shit I'm dealing with now. They become plastic
surgeons in Beverly Hills, general practitioners in the
Midwest, specialists out here and the cream of the crop
back in Iran.
I don't know where I'll end up or what I'll do,
but I do know I'm gonna get in where I fit in and get
that degree. Here comes another Iranian doctor.
Part 3 Part
1 Part
2 About
Maziar Shirazi is a junior at Rutgers University, New Brunswick,
New Jersey. Features in iranian.com