The right breast
One breast better than no breast? I don't think
February 6, 2004
Like many of my fellow Super Bowl viewers, I was exposed to Janet
Jackson's right breast. It was there staring at me--nothing
I could do but to stare back. The right breast didn't do
much for me. Maybe if it was accompanied by her other half--the
left breast--they would have made a better impression.
The right breast kind of fell out and said hello without a warning.
I don't like surprises. I like a little heads up to get ready.
Maybe comb my hair and adjust my shirt. What motivated that I'm
not sure. I guess the right breast needed the spotlight, maybe
some fresh air, or maybe it just needed to come out and take
a quick peek at the show.
But I couldn't help feeling sorry
for the left breast. The left breast was simply left out. The
left breast was squeezed inside the medieval bra and suffocating.
It was ignored and never got a chance to express itself. I
felt for it. It was a sad moment. I could hear it saying, "What
about me. Hay, you forgot me. Hay, Justin ... me ... let
me out, you fucker." But I'm sure there was a reason Janet picked the right breast
over the left one. Maybe the right breast looks better than
the left one. Maybe it was misbehaving that day. Maybe the left
breast is too shy and couldn't stand the pressure. Or maybe it
simply the right-breast-kind-of-a-night. Who knows?
At the same time, I also felt kind of sorry for the right breast.
They immediately stopped the show and the poor thing didn't
even get a chance to stretch its legs. I would have been
pissed off if I was the right breast, wouldn't you? It was inhumane
to tease the poor thing like that. You don't let the breast
out for a second and then tell it, "sorry, that's all
the time you get. Gotta go back in." The right breast didn't
even have time for a proper introduction. It was humiliated
in front of millions of viewers. Only a few seconds of
fame. That
Some people were offended by the whole thing. I happened to
be one of them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that
I was not
very happy with the whole one breast stunt. Like many other
viewers, I felt cheated. I thought the moment was rushed
and I felt it
done half-ass. I like things done right.
It was like paying
for a peep show and the dancer only exposes half of her
butt cheek,
or buying a car with only one headlight. Or paying for
a boxing match only to find out that each boxer is missing
an arm. What's
that all about? If you're gonna do it, do it right. Put
some heart in it and make it real.
I asked the opinion of a friend who happens to be an authority
on the subject. If you must know, he is a plastic surgeon who
performs breast augmentations every day. With a concerned
on his face, my friend said if this becomes a trend
his income will be cut to half.
Another friend who also happens
be an authority on the subject is troubled. If you must know,
he frequents nudie bars and he told me that if this becomes a
trend, instead of his usual one dollar tip per dance he will start
only fifty cents.
Some people my say I should quit whining. One breast is better
than no breast. I'm sorry but I don't agree. This has
nothing to do with Janet's body parts. It's the principle.
This is bad television and I feel I was short changed by CBS.
wish I could just let it go but it's not easy. One
has to stand for certain values. CBS and MTV announced that
they "fully apologize for the stunt." I think they should partly
If Janet showed both breasts then they should "fully" apologize
but for one breast, full apology is a bit too much. I don't
know, maybe I'm overreacting. Who knows?
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