Scary and exciting
Sarakhs' new album "Mordad 85"
July 27, 2007
In late 2000, an Iranian homegrown alternative band, Sarakhs, made it's debute with the release of Mordab. Mordab and other singles such as Vasvaseh and Raz marked the beginning of a phenomenon called, Iranian underground music. Although Mordab never made it to the commercial arena, it became one of the most widely acclaimed Iranian Alternative albums on internet.
While many Iranians filled their music library with trash by Los Angles satellite TV bands, the music scene inside of Iran forged ahead through an amazing transformation.
From late 90s to present time, basement bands in Iran influenced by U2, Nirvana, Dire Straits, Metallica and the Seattle music scene of the 90s started organizing, writing and performing their own brand of music. Though in its infancy and heavily influences by western underground and punk rock, Iranian alternative bands have struggled to find their own voice and identity.
Sarakhs [sarakhs-music.com] was one of the few Iranian alternative bands that succeeded in establishing itself as the original. Sarakhs' ability to combine hard rock, reggae and grouch melody with pop Iranian lyrics stood apart from its contemporaries. Sarakhs managed to achieve what many Iranian alternative bands struggled with. The band succeeded in harmonizing the flow of harsh tone and sometime disturbing lyrics with coherent and mostly flawless rhythm.
Iranian alternative scene has a long way to go before finding its sound. While bands like Kiosk and O-HUM still are searching to find their original sound, Sarakhs is light years ahead and more mature than ever.
Release of Sarakhs' new album "Mordad 85" marks the commercialization of the band which is scary and exciting at the same time. Sarakhs' previous work was a labor of love. Some of the best music produced by great artists is the result of unintended collaborations. But many bands fall apart when their music goes mainstream and their sound takes the commercial avenue.
Fortunately, Sarakhs' new work will not leave fans disappointed. It is Sarakhs at its best. A milestone in Iranian alternative music and an example of originality in sound and lyric. The new tracks showcase the band's talent and give the fans what they're looking for: something very different.
"Mordad 85" proves to be a crowd pleaser as it takes the listener to an emotional journey by injecting furious doses of uncommon reverberation. It is Sarakh's departure from harder lyrics to a more tamed and deeper libretto. Comments
Siamack Baniameri is the author of The Iranican Dream, (Virtualbookworm.com Publishing, December 2004). Also see Iranican-Dream.com.