

   I have a particular fondness for Lebanon, not having spent any time there personally. Father attended the law faculty at College Saint Joseph. Grandfather

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The vulgar American

   I am deeply disappointed in President Bush’s manners. He was already ugly enough as a rude caricature of a wannabe statesman. Now this week

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     Last time I wrote on this subject [“”] Iran was ahead 2 to nil. In less than two weeks Iran has managed to bag

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The cup that ran empty

                                                                                                                     An hour before today’s game, I thought about the reason why I was willing to give up a day in the sun, after so

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Is this anything?

The nocturnal fare called Late Night with David Letterman often features a shtick called “Is this anything?” The curtain rises and a person or two

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What democracy, what freedom?

The exhortations in the piece “Unsettled” lack rationality and foundation. Here are examples of some of the statements that pass supposedly for enlightened polemics. Notice how the title

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In the Indo-European Family of Languages, the Indian branch evolved into Sanskrit, then into Middle Indian and from it derived the sub-branch that included Bengali

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This past week I was amused most by the complete absence of haya (shame) in Iran's self-congratulatory attainment of uranium enrichment. Bravo, the sons and

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The first of this series about beesharmi [See: “Haya”] deserves a supplemental comment about one of the endearing characteristics of America’s diplomatic culture, that is,

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The [Islamic] Republic of Iran gained a momentous diplomatic victory the other day at the UN Security Council. After much “wrangling” by the 15-member Council,

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Last August, I wrote a piece “Lovely word” in which I discussed the origins of the English word “love.” Following the trail shown in Oxford

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One of the joys of writing is to string a number of disparate beads along a common thread and then round it all by clasping

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I am not that vain to think that you have clicked to read more of this essay because of some innate connection between my name

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In the piece entitled “The Ahmadinejad in us” I intimated by means of a question mark in parenthesis that Ahasuerus might have been Cyrus. I

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I am not sure what exactly is it about Mr. Ahmadinejad’s recent anti-Jewish pronouncements that grate on me. Is it his courage that speaks truth

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Stretching it

In Persian, kesh is a simple word and yet without it a huge part of Farsi will shut down. Okay, may be that is stretching

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Farewell, Dehkhoda!

It is autumn. It is the season of hozn-e khazan – the melancholic time of the falling leaves. It is time for goodbyes – some

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For the love of P

To be able to stand in the public square for any extended period of time and express oneself requires that one be poust-koloft (thick-skinned) and

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Beyond far and good

When my newly born son had begun to utter his first sounds, I constantly marveled at the variety of sounds that he garbled. Some sounded

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Guive Mirfendereski

The soccer player

The summer's warm embrace will be no more. I have picked the last of the blooming baby cucumbers off the yellowing vine, to pickle. The

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Labor of lab

The essay “Lovely word” on the Persian origin of the word love keeps on giving. A few more comments on the substance of that essay

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Guive Mirfendereski

The Saka nomenclature

Like a hot wind of the high hills… he cometh up as clouds… his chariots … as the whirlwind, his horses … swifter than eagles.

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