
Which side are you on?

Have you ever thought about why different people treat you differently? Why we like some people and dislike others while some of the people we

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Food for thought

Somewhere across the oceans a man is dying to give other men’s lives a glimpse of hope. His silent scream echoes over the mountains his

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Minus spanking

Before sending me tons of e-mail to accuse me of being a “copy cat”, allow me to refer to the last paragraph of my article

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Deeper pain

My day begins with a rollover of yesterday’s “to do” list. When grocery is done, dinner is half made, my son’s dental appointment is behind

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Treasures of the East

You can tell a lot about a nation and their culture by their stories, legends, and the proverbs they use in their daily conversations. Among

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Peaceful departure

If God loves me I may die in my sleep: an OnTime departure with no baggage to check no security line not even an e-ticket there will be no

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If only I knew

My editor called and asked if I could stay with the retrospective voice throughout the new novel. Unsure of how retrospective she wanted the voice

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California stories

Like most people who live in California, I had no idea what the acronym CCH stood for. When — an online Persian magazine for

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People’s sensitivity about age has always fascinated me. Would I dare ask how old you are? Certainly not, at least, not unless you’re under thirty.

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Old friends

I look forward to meeting an old friend whom I have not seen in years. None of my new friends know my hometown or my

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In response to my article titled “Namiri”, a reader wrote back to ask if I would write about the Persian Ta’arof. Unfortunately, due to a

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Critique versus criticism

One of the most valuable lessons I learned in creative writing, concerns the difference between critique and criticism. Although in Persian we do have the

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Sharing your sorrow

I may never figure out what makes someone decide to become a writer. Why would anyone choose to isolate themselves and keep no other company

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Happy medium

Recently, I came across two diverse articles in the Iranian, one by Pesar Gol [“Hossein hocus pocus”] and the other a response by Sanaz [“Your

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The optimism of No-Rooz

Indeed, whence in spring do so many colorful designs appear? No one knows. Wisdom is mystified that out of the dark dirt a pure and

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Peculiarities in a culture seem to go unnoticed by its people until they are pointed out by others. I remember twenty-some years ago, an American

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The Gardener

Once again, time has come to prune the roses. Throughout summer, my neighbors and friends have admired the lovely little cluster of rose bushes they

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When my children were small, any time they fought over a toy, I told them that were how all wars started and how they'd have

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Turning point

I have never forgiven Bernard Shaw for saying, “Girls are either beautiful, or go to the university.” Not only did he make the teenage me

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One less flower

I wake up in the early morning hours and sit at my computer. Someone has sent me shocking news: First Iranian-American soldier killed in Iraq.

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Mashad had the most melancholic fall season. Not only did the sound of Azan echo from every minaret, each year there seemed to be more

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