Websites to Google: 'You're killing our business!'
CNN Money / David Goldman

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Google made one of the biggest changes ever to its search results this week, which immediately had a noticeable effect on many Web properties that rely on the world's biggest search engine to drive traffic to their sites.

The major tweak aims to move better quality content to the top of Google's search rankings. The changes will affect 12% Google's results, the company said in a blog post late Thursday.

"Our goal is simple: to give users the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible," said Gabriel Stricker, Google spokesman. "This requires constant tuning of our algorithms, as new content -- both good and bad -- comes online all the time. Recently we've heard from our users that they want to see fewer low quality sites in our results."

Typically, Google's algorithm changes are so subtle that few people notice them. But these most recent changes could be seen immediately.

How to test the change: The IP address displays Google search results as they would have appeared before the recent algorithm change, according to several webmasters posting to the forum.

Google would not confirm that IP address uses the older algorithm, but comparing searches of trending topics on with searches using the special Google IP address reveals how the search engine now seems to be favoring certain content.

The changes appear to be af... >>>

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