برخورد مقتدرانه ناوگروه اعزامي ارتش با رژيم صهيونيستي در مسير درياي مديترانه
Fars News
06-Mar-2011 (44 comments)

خبرگزاري فارس: فرمانده نيروي دريايي ارتش گفت: در حين مأموريت ناوگروه اعزامي به مديترانه نيروهاي رژيم صهيونيستي در دريا از نيروهاي ما خواستند تا خود را معرفي كنند كه با واكنش مقتدرانه ناوگروه اعزامي ارتش روبرو شدند.

به گزارش خبرنگار دفاعي خبرگزاري فارس، امير دريادار حبيب‌الله سياري فرمانده نيروي دريايي ارتش صبح امروز (شنبه) در نشست خبري كه به منظور بررسي دستاوردهاي ماموريت اعزام ناوگروه ارتش به درياي مديترانه برگزار شد، گفت: اين ناوگروه دوازدهمين سري از ناوگروه‌هاي ارتش بود كه اوايل بهمن براي انجام ماموريت يعني برقراري خطوط ارتباطي كشورمان در خليج عدن به اين منطقه سفر كرد و تفاوت آن با ناوگروه‌هاي گذشته در اين بود كه تعدادي از دانشجويان دانشگاه دريايي امام خميني(ره) نوشهر نيز در آن حضور داشتند كه قرار بود تا علاوه بر ماموريت رزمي و اطلاعاتي اين دانشجويان مراحل كارورزي خود را در اين ماموريت پشت سر بگذارند.

... >>>

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God bless Iran and the true

by Delavar1 on

God bless Iran and the true Iranians, America, Israel and maybe France, Italy and Germany. But God damn the Rapist Republic of Iran and the Hezbollhies and basijies. (that is if God Exists (otherwise Noboy bless nothing)

G. Rahmanian

Coming Soon!

by G. Rahmanian on

With such military might we will be seeing the liberation of Jerusalem, in our lifetime. I just hope we won't have to wait another 32 years!

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

go to your uncle Fred

for some more advice.

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Shotor: How about God Damn IRR for a change?

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

And God Bless Israel! The latter neutralizes the former!


Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on


Why not? God bless USA.


The country that is condemned by the whole world and the United Nations for her inhuman racist policies towards the natives? Now, we know according to your own words, you're nothing but a Zionist cheerleader like we alway knew. Israel needs you in Egypt more than needing you here on an Iranian website.

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

God Bless US of A, God Bless Israel, & God Bless Iranian.com

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on


Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

God Bless Iran

and those who protect her borders

from Zionists and Israel cheerleaders. 


Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Shotor: God Bless Iran is like Noghl-o-Nabat'e for me!

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

God bless Israel is like Neshador for you!


How do you like them apples!

Mola Nasredeen

Lets Face It

by Mola Nasredeen on

Iran is the new super power in the Middle East.

No amount of finger pointing,

Demonizing, name calling of the ones who are trying to inform you of this new developement is going to change this fact.

God Bless Iran!

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

OnlyIran, AO, & Doctor Mohandes, go easy ...!

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

on Shotor! It's 1 injection of NaOh per 1/3 of a day!



by Doctor mohandes on

May I?

I am gonna let AO catch a little break after being "mauled" by you. It is Inherent in you people I guess. In your minds, You imagine upsetting and mauling Others. Runs in your blood... or whatever you've got running through your veins!

But here I got even a bigger gift for you, When asking for a favor as in someone checking your spelling for you, you will end the sentence with WIll ya. Not may ya. That one can make the other person you are weirdo or something.

There. I hope you Learned something today:)

AO and OI

Yes. That is him. He must be digging deeper holes nowadays. Vase ine Peydash nis.

Anonymous Observer

Pretty lame come back Gholam

by Anonymous Observer on

Try again monkey...



by IranMilitaryForum.net on

I thought my response had simply upset you but I am pleased to see that you feel mauled to say the least!

Keep trying, better luck next time (check my spelling may ya!)



Anonymous Observer

OI and Doctor

by Anonymous Observer on

Are you guys talking about IMF's boss, Hassan "give me another foot massage IMF" Nasrollah?



by Onlyiran on

I know which one you're talking about. I don't know if AO does, but that's the guy.   Military forum has a particular affection for him.:-)



by Doctor mohandes on

By the way is that Sheikh ol Arab... what was his name? You know the big fat guy (who was among the preliminary group of participants for the two shows the biggest LOSER :) and Shedding for the wedding)But did not make the final cut )...in hiding or has come out and to rise and shine .

You know which Sheikhe Ja... Ke... i am talking about right?


Anonymous Observer

So, cuddling time with Hezbollah brothers is over

by Anonymous Observer on

and you're back for more.  Look, you don't have to take out the furstration of being on the receiving end of the South Lebanese borther's "love" (if you catch my drift) on us. We understand, though.  You're frustrated at the fact that you have had to "service" these brothers at your young age and all...But that's a discussion that you need to have with your parents and others who left you there at your tender age.  They wanted to do "savab."  So, they donated their son to keep the brothers "comfortable" and have them release their tension after a hard day's work and training.  It's their doing, not us.

You should be angry at them-not us-little buddy. 


My appologies master spell checker

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

Not "Nirye Daryae," and it's "too dahani," not "to dahani."  Don't they
teach you these things in the basic Persian class in Nabatiyeh?  Learn a
couple of words of Farsi before you start posting on an Iranian site,
you clown.


You see I am sure you are right in terms of correct spelling, after all that is what you are so well known here for and nothing else. But I think what strung the cord with you to respond is nothing but your personal experience in being in the receiving end of too many "Too Dahanis".

Nooshe jan (check my spelling may ya!)



Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Long Live Iran and Iranians

Yesterday, Today and Forever.


Iran is a super power in the Middle East now. Eat your hearts out! 

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Doctor Mohandes? NaOh is working like a charm....!?

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

Now, that's called a one-effective-remedy!

Snooki doesn't like it when I address (her) indirectly!?


MG, UC left of artesia ::))

by Doctor mohandes on

I like that. Kinda like Univ of second Choice?

I am a UTexas Alooche Umni:))


Mash Ghasem

DM, you be my Nizzle fo Shizel, but please no dawgs!

by Mash Ghasem on

Belive it or not I have attended Compton Community College, late 70's, a decade or so before Snoop . Of couse we used to call it UCLA, as in :University of Compton Left of Artesia (Blvd).

Inglewood is up to no good. Though not as bad as our "beloved" Brother Snake!



by Doctor mohandes on

That is Sooki khanoom???

I would Join "her" army anytime.


They teach these kida Al farsi, so you'd understand why they can not speak the actual farsi.

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Doctor Mohandes! Long Island Man Who Punched Snooki Joins Army!

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on


I think Sooki Khanoom wants me to join the Army!?


Soosan Khanoom

by Doctor mohandes on

You need to wrap his "i hate you israel supporters" circus up and take it down the road alright?

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Hey Anonymous Observer? Do you think these South Lebanese

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

people (e.g., IMF, SK, et al) understand what "neshador" means? Or is it that they feel it because I have used a large dose of it on them?



MAsh ghasem Yo dawg

by Doctor mohandes on

I sound so clinical??:)

I am not getting it Dawg. My Shizel Is not getting Your Fizel!


Good Writing There My man.  that was Hilarious. I think The iranians "made them understand with who they are directioning against" cuz The israelis think "it is the town of nonsense" .

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Israel has no guts to do it  ........ they are bunch of cowards ..... looking only and only to sacrifice American kids for their evil doings......... they are like RNA viruses ...........a parasite that gets into your cell and use your cell's energy and goods for his own existence  ...... 

Israel Army is good only to fight with women and children on Gaza by dropping bombs on stone throwing people .......

shame on you ...... I am just so pissed off with all you Israeli supports on this forum .... the last thing that you have in your mind is Iran and the Iranian people and the kids who dying in the streets of Iran for their freedom  .............  

Mash Ghasem

DM, sometimes you sound so clinical,

by Mash Ghasem on

"Good luck to you brother evil"? isn't more like Brother Snake? Prof,Ferry, as you might recall Lieutenant Columbo's character in the TV series was based on the character of the inspector in Dostyevsky's " Crimes and Punishment", with his constant: excuse me but one last question.

Speaking of crimes and punishments, the ruling scum have been doing nothign but crimes for the past 32 years, their day of punishment looks closer and closer, every single day. I'm all for Life Sentence , without parole, with Hard Labor. No death sentence.

Diktator salam kon beh payan.

P.S. that 'wedding team' idea; now you're talking. A concept who's time has arrived!

Anonymous Observer

BTW, South Lebanese IMF - It's "Nirooy-e Daryaee"

by Anonymous Observer on

Not "Nirye Daryae," and it's "too dahani," not "to dahani."  Don't they teach you these things in the basic Persian class in Nabatiyeh?  Learn a couple of words of Farsi before you start posting on an Iranian site, you clown.