‘600’ conversions to Christianity unnerving Ayatollahs in Iran
Christian Today / Christian Today
26-Apr-2011 (2 comments)

Mohabat News says that in the last few months a deliberate and focused campaign of threats and opposition against every and any religious belief that is contrary to those of the Shiites, especially against the Christian faith, has been underway and promoted by the Shiite clerics and all media outlets that are somehow connected with the religious elite of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

"Although in the last several years the gravitation of the populous toward the Christian faith has been a source of aggravation for the ruling and religious elite of the government, the harsh statements and intimidating conduct of the religious leaders to the repressive actions of the security forces such as those of the Pasdaran Militia and media outlets belonging to these organisations have placed an ever-increasing pressure on Christian families and those who have recently become Christians," said their story.


More Iranians leaving Islam! :)

by Simorgh5555 on

Whilst I do not approve of organised religions I am very happy Iranians are renouncing Islam and casting this dirty religion to the garbage heap of history. To hell with Islam!

Death to Islam. Death to the Islamic Republic.  



You'd probably be going home to Iran...Finally

by Escape on

  If they all converted I'm sure.