NIAC Welcomes New Additions to the Board of Directors
22-May-2011 (4 comments)

merican family. It is my hope that NIAC will continue to grow its membership, foster deeper ties to policymakers and the American public at large, and expand active participation in the democratic process, "said Dr. Shokooh Miry, NIAC Board Member.
This is just one of many shared sentiments between the newest addition to the NIAC Board of Directors which includes; Lyric Hughes HaleMichael KazemiDr. Shokooh MiryAzita Mojared, and Lily Sarafan.
Each of these members provide a unique perspective through the combination of their personal stories and professional accomplishments; Lyric – a broadly based Asianist who grew up in Iran, Michael – teacher and lawyer by day and activist by night, Shokooh – a psychologist passionate about strengthening the Iranian American community, Azita – an attorney assisting Persian speakers with immigration an... >>>


Know your enemies!

by Simorgh5555 on

Take a good look at these NIAC lapdogs. They have already named themselves and please shame these individuals who have sold out their country and decency to Trita Parsi's Islamic Republic outlet.  All NIAC members will soon be held accountable for their treason and its golden goose Parsi will be given his just sentence.




by Simorgh5555 on

These people may very well be talented but if either of them had publicly declared support for Maryam Rajavi and the MKE they would have been reviled and shunned. All their accomplishments would be null and void because they are 'Mojahedeen'.

Trita Parsi had direct contacts with the Islamic Terror government and the cordial emails between him and the Terror ambassador to the UN proves he was lobbying on their behalf.

I don't care whether you are a brain surgeon or an astrophysicist. If you join NIAC board of members that makes you a spokes person for the Terror regime albeit a very talented and intelligent one.   


Simorgh5555 - are you a closet NIAC member?

by MM on

Overall, the new board members; Lyric Hughes HaleMichael KazemiDr. Shokooh MiryAzita Mojared, and Lily Sarafan have impecable education as well as record of accomplishments in the Iranian-American community.  If you are not involved in reverse psychology, then please first click on the links you provide and do not pre-judge.


Stop making false accusations.

by azadi4iran on

Simorgh5555, check your facts before you make false accusations. If you even read the article you would know that these people are very well accomplished and have a great deal to add to the Iranian-American community. Stop hating. Nothing is going to be accomplished in our community if we have people like you to bring us down. 

Also, I wonder what you have done for our great community, that you feel you have the right to criticize Trita Parsi, NIAC, and its members?? 

I would be very interested to know.