Rug store owner Reza Safarha sentenced for violating Iran Trade embargo
daily news / BY Scott Shifrel
03-Jun-2011 (2 comments)

A rug store owner convicted of violating the Iran Trade embargo was sentenced Friday to a relatively light 10 months in prison.

Reza Safarha, 56, helped a government informant send nearly $300,000 of what he thought was stolen money to Iran.

Safarha faced as much as 20 years in prison after he was convicted in a bench trial before Federal District Judge Richard Sullivan in February. Federal guidelines called for him to be sentenced to as much as eight years.

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by yolanda on


Rugs n missiles R us!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

I do remember someone here last year writing a blog about the adverse impact on  the Bay area Iranian Rug sellers, of US sanctions on Iran. I wish I could find that blog now :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."