Persian pushers
06-Jun-2011 (11 comments)

IRANIAN drug rings have emerged as major players in Klang Valley’s drug ‘business’ and now control about 90 per cent of the local syabu or crystal methamphetamine market.

Narcotics experts said this was achieved within two years. It is believed their domination of the market was the result of careful planning.

“It’s no accident they are where they are now. The Iranian syndicates had been steadily building up their profile over the last couple of years and were primed to take over the syabu trade,” said an expert familiar with their modus operandi.

Their success, said the expert, was largely due to two factors. “Firstly, they sell the drugs at cheaper prices than others, thus undercutting competitors. Secondly, their syabu is also of better quality than anything produced or imported by the local syndicates.”

The expert said this ensured a constant demand for the Iranian products.

It is believed the supplies were distributed to not only users, but local as well as Iranian pushers, the latter being more comfortable with sourcing supplies from their countrymen.


Oh, dear

by Simorgh5555 on

There was a time when the name Iran or Persia was sysnonymous with opulence and culture. Since the revolutiion 33 years ago it is now associated with Terror, anti-semetism and dryg dealing. Death to the IR. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I got one

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You don't need to double post! I also have other things; want so see? 



by Parham on

Get a life...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


When I hear unjust accusations I respond. What better thing than to bring reality into this? You make some false statements and I refute it.



by Parham on

Haven't you got anything better to do?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We were great and on our way to being a lot better. By now we would have surpassed South Korea and many other developing nations. Do not kid yourself with BS. Yes politically repressive but vastly better.



by Parham on

My comment was really about your "chi boodim chi shodim" style of argument beneath the piece. The point is "ziad ham pokhi naboodim, alaki fekr nakonin" -- in any case, one type doesn't justify the other.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


But the alcoholic Islamists must get their new livers from somewhere! If not Iran do you suppose they get them from North Korea or China!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Got to agree

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


with Simorgh.

The "revolution" was the dumbest a** thing Iranians did in recent times. Since not fully supporting Yazdgird III against Islam. Just hope we do not pay for it for another 1400 years.

Yes Shah made many people rich. It was nice wasn't it? Parham do not defend the indefensible.



by Simorgh5555 on

I'd rather have nouveau rich country bumpkins than a thiefdom for mullahs like Rafsanjanis who commit day light robbery and a regime which spends 20 million dollars on rebuilding lebanon when Iranians are selling their kidneys in the black market or prostituting themselves to make ends meet.


Before the revolution...

by Parham on

... it was also associated with stupid nouveau-riche country-bumpkins who threw away oil money and showed off like there was no tomorrow.