Shiite Militia Claims Responsibility for Attack in Baghdad
New York Times / Michael Schmidt
11-Jun-2011 (3 comments)

BAGHDAD — A Shiite militia with ties to Iran claimed responsibility on Friday for an attack five days ago that killed five American soldiers, in what was the deadliest day for the United States here since 2009.

The militia, Kataib Hezbollah, said in a statement posted on its Web site that it would continue to attack American forces until they withdrew from Iraq.

“We want to stress that we have the power and the readiness to fight,” the statement said.

Shiite militia groups, some with ties to the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr, pose one of the greatest threats to the United States military as it prepares to withdraw all of its remaining 46,000 troops from Iraq by the end of the year.

In recent weeks, these groups have stepped up violence against Americans, particularly mortar and rocket attacks against bases. Last month, there were 37 mortar attacks against American and Iraqi targets in Baghdad, compared to 17 in April.

The increased violence has come as Iraqi leaders weigh whether to ask the United States to keep some troops in the country beyond the Dec. 31 withd... >>>

recommended by Simorgh5555



Islamist regime's funding for Iraq's shiat terrorist gangs...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Has become of sufficient concern, even to the Mullah's own stooge, nuri al maliki, for him to request US to extend the presence of US miltary forces in Iraq!

These islamist crap for brains seem to be hell bent on digging their own graves!  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


your welcome iran2050

by Simorgh5555 on

When will commonsense prevail and people start taking action.

Iran 2050

Very True

by Iran 2050 on

Great posting Simorgh jaan, as always of course.

The Fascists IRI regime is the single biggest threat to the world.