Former IDF chief: Sanctions are best course of action against Iran / Natasha Mozgovaya
22-Jun-2011 (6 comments)

"The biggest challenge in fighting terror – it’s how to remain relevant against terror..."

recommended by پندارنیک




by Simorgh5555 on

This is the paradox.of the Iranian Left. Some of them anyway. They accuse Israel.of warmongering but instead of probing the motives of perceived Israeli aggression most of them will privately support Hezbillah and Hamas. This is a regional.conflict which is too complicated for anyone to resolve let alonr Iranians. Whatever the right ot wrongs of the conflict even if it is Israel at fault it is not worth the price for Iran to pay by getting directly involved in this messy business. Palestine has had more money thrown at them by Iran and the Arab world than many Iranians have had or even the poor people of Darfur. Has Pendare Nik, our humanitarian nationality-neutral friend ever batted an eye lid or even posted a comment or news letter about this? Coz they're not Jews.


Pendar nick and jewish syndrom

by Siavash300 on

"Are you gonna help our Jewish friends to annex the ocean on Mars too?" pendar nick

Forget jews,

Forget Arabs,

Payandeh our Aryan Land IRAN.


Of concert

by پندارنیک on

But my favourite Jewish singer cut the tour off, for drug prob. Pity!



by Simorgh5555 on

No you will hand Iran and Mars on a silver platter. Keep on banging the drums of war for Palestine and provoke Israel into war by supporting Hamas and Hezbollah. 

Have you booked your El Al flight ticket? I hear that Left-revolutionary vanguard of counter culture Bob Dylan has given a concert in Tel-Aviv. Sold out, huh?  


Thanks for reading and commenting:))

by پندارنیک on

Are you gonna help our Jewish friends to annex the ocean on Mars too?



by Simorgh5555 on

Sanctions work in South Africa. They will work to liberate Iran. Sanctions not to stop nuclear enrichment but for regime change. Airtight please.