How Iran Defeated Obama
The Diplomat
05-Aug-2011 (3 comments)

The US is making a mistake in demonising Iran, says Patrick Seale. Obama should have seized the chance to engage.

It’s now widely accepted – and lamented – that US President Barack Obama failed dismally in attempting to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Defeated by Israel’s hard-line Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, and by Israel’s friends in the United States – lobbyists, lawmakers and neo-conservatives – the president simply threw in the towel.

What is less well understood is that Obama was also defeated in another major area of foreign policy – relations with Iran. When he came to office he vowed to ‘engage’ with the Islamic Republic, but this admirable objective was soon supplanted by a policy of threats, sanctions and intimidation aimed at isolating Iran, subverting its economy and overthrowing its regime.

Israel and its friends led the campaign against Iran, demonizing it as a threat to all mankind, and forcing the United States to follow suit. Israel has repeatedly, and very publicly, threatened to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities, and has done its best to drag the United States into war against it, in much the same way as pro-Israeli neo-conservatives at the Pentagon were alleged to have manipulated intelligence to push the United States into war against Iraq i... >>>

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Maryam Hojjat

IMF, very optemistic Comment

by Maryam Hojjat on

I cannot wait to see.


I enjoyed reading yet

by iamfine on

Yes, Iran/Persia will overcome all obstacles soon and shine once again (walking tall). Iranians will unite again


Here is a reader's comment

by on

"The truth of the matter is no one in the West wants to see a powerful Iran. Because Iranians are very industrious and pose a threat to western economies. Some how the West is afraid of Persia. They prefer to continue to stick their heads in the sand history of Greece and Rome rather than recognize and give credit to Persia’s contribution toward world development. That said, Iran is not the Islamic Republic. Islamic Republic is the dart vader of the universe and the West and its ill educated head in the sand ostrich leaders can’t tell the difference between Persia, Iran and the Islamic Republic. So long as ignorance reign supreme in the West as portrayed, so long they will fail and stronger will get the mollahs. But these mollahs like others before them will get thrown into the dust heap of history not by the actions the West takes, but by the actions Iraninas take on their own volition and time. And the fall of the Islamic Republic will give rise to the Persian Empire. Yes, you heard it right. “Out of Persia shall go forth the law and unto shall submit all nations of the world for the God of Persia shall at the end defeat the hypocrisy of the bankrupted democracy and shall progress so rapidly that the eyes of the peoples of the world shall be bewildered. Thus saith the Lord God as recorded in scriptures as thou shall witness.”"

