ارتباط جمهوری اسلامی با ترور رفیق حریری
Akhbar Rooz
16-Aug-2011 (7 comments)

برپایه گزارش اشپیگل: "دادگاه حریری اطلاعاتی در دست دارد که این چهار متهم در سال ۲۰۰۴ به ایران سفر کردند و به مدت چند ماه در پایگاه نظامی امام خمینی در نزدیکی شهر قم، آموزش های نظامی را برای عملیات های ترور طی کردند."
بر پایه این گزارش: "ناظران این آموزش ها، دکورهای شبیه به صحنه ترور و انفجار در بیروت طراحی کرده بودند و عملیات انفجار آزمایشی را نیز انجام دادند."
مجله آلمانی مدعی شده است که هم اکنون نیز چهار متهم پرونده حریری، از لبنان خارج شده اند و حداقل سه نفر از آنها هم اکنون در ایران زندگی می کنند.

recommended by Masoud Kazemzadeh




by vildemose on


The revelations are likely to be just as unwelcome in Tehran, which sees itself confronted, once again, with the charge of exporting terrorism. Damascus's view of the situation could be more mixed. Although the Syrian government is not being declared free of the suspicion of involvement, at least President Assad is no longer in the line of fire. Hardly anything suggests anymore that he was personally aware of the murder plot or even ordered the killing.

"Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe." Robert Browning in 'Ceuciaja'

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear Faramarz

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Faramarz,

If Asad’s Baathis regime were to fall, it would be a huge strategic disaster for the vf regime. It will also greatly disadvantage the Hezbollah. In all likelihood, the pro-Hezbollah cabinet in Lebanon will also fall.

It will also be a huge psychological boost to the Iranian people and a huge demoralizing event for the vf regime.

My heart goes to the people of Syria. I hope they will succeed in overthrowing the Asad brutal savage regime. I also hope that their next government would be democratic. The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria seems not to be too extremist. It appears to be one of the major groups there. Whatever happens in the post-Asad Syria, the vf regime is the biggest loser and the Iranian people will be the biggest winner.




Thank You Masoud

by Faramarz on

As soon as Assad goes, the pipeline to Hezbollah will dry up and this chapter will come to an end. Thanks for your post.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Khamenei Ordered the Terrorist Attack

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Faramarz,

The "leaked" reports of the dossier indicate that the order to assassinate Rafik Hariri came directly from the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. It was communicated to Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. That is the reason why Nasrallah and Hezbollah will totally oppose the investigation and trial because this was a planned terrorist murder by the HIGHEST official in IRI and in Hezbollah.

To prevent the investigation and trail, the IRI and Hezbollah successfully caused the downfall of Saad Hariri’s government although that could have caused a civil war in Lebanon. Some prominent Sunni and Christian politicians wanted to avoid a civil war, so they caved in to Hezbollah and the terrorist regime.

Hezbollah and Khamenei are vicious blood thirsty genocidal tyrants who are willing to cause another bloody civil war with thousands upon thousands of death in order to get their policies in Lebanon. The sheer lack of basic human decency among them is amazing.




The IR Finger Prints Are All Over This One

by Faramarz on

The ring leader is the brother-in-law of Emad Mughnieh, the guy responsible for the suicide attack on the Marines barrack in Beirut that killed 270 Americans.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

names and photos of Hezbollah Terrorists

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

names and photos of Hezbollah terrorists
