Our troubles have just begun
Antiwar.com / Justin Raimundo
24-Aug-2011 (one comment)

In what could well be a premonitory
moment, they evacuated the Pentagon when the Richmond earthquake hit.
The Capitol was also cleared out, for fear its pylons would crash down
upon the heads of our shaken solons. Perhaps it was His way of deflating the hubris of our Washington elite, as they giddily proclaim of the “victory in Libya” narrative that has taken hold in the Imperial
City even before America’s housebroken “rebels” take power.

As the rebels march into Tripoli,
and Gadhafi is >>>


Libya: Obama’s Pyrrhic Victory

by Tabarzin on

Get ready for the downing-of-the-statue moment US psy-war strategists no doubt have been planning for months. Surely there’s a suitably gargantuan statue of Gadhafi readily available, the toppling of which will provide a suitable level of drama for the cameras. The parallels with Iraq are coming fast and furious: soon we’ll have photos of Gadhafi in chains, or perhaps being dragged before the International Kangaroo Criminal Court in the Hague, for a dose of victor’s “justice.” Although I rather doubt they’ll risk keeping him alive long enough to stand trial: the old monster knows too much about his fellow monsters in the capitals of Europe and the Americas to spare him a fate similar to that visited upon at least one of his sons.
