Martial Arts Expert Leaves Iran Rather Than Train Basij
Radio Free Europe Liberty / Radio Free Europe
29-Aug-2011 (3 comments)

ranian martial arts expert Ahmad Fouladizadeh says he has left the country rather than agree to train Basij volunteer paramilitaries and plainclothes police how to neutralize participants in street protests, RFE/RL's Radio Farda reports.

Fouladizadeh (aka Fouladi) told Radio Farda from Sweden that he has applied for political asylum there.

He said that a few months ago the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRCG) asked him to serve as a trainer at a physical education club belonging to the IRGC in the southwestern city of Shiraz.

Fouladizadeh, who became a member of Iran's national kickboxing team in 1998, said at first he thought he was supposed to provide training courses for young people interested in sports. But he said he was told at a private session with members of various Iranian sports teams that the objective was to train the Basij and plainclothes forces to fight with people during future unrest.
Fouladizadeh said that he and fellow sportsmen from Iran's national track and field, karate, boxing, wrestling, and judo teams were asked to train 300 people in each province in some 10 sports.

Fouladizadeh said he could not participate in the process of "training gladiators" to confront the Iranian people.

"I'm an athlete…I cannot betray my o... >>>

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Iranian heroes and traitors come in all walks of life

by Bavafa on

Some heroes stand up for their rights and serve unjust prison terms, others like this ghahreman/pahlevan and hero refuse to become an accomplice in the act of violence and crime against Iranian people.

The traitors on the other hand are happy to serve their masters in murdering Iranian people, whether the master is Rajavis or Khameniees.

My hat off to this ensane ba sharaf

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



درود به شرف این ورزشکار با وجدان


و تٔف به بی‌ شرفی، بی‌ وجدانی و وطن فروشی هر کسی‌ که هنوز هم بعد از آشکار شدن ماهیت اصلی‌ این رژیم خائنان، دزدان و ادمکشان اسلامی، هنوز هم میاد ازشون پشتیبانی میکنه..


Damet garm agha, be in migan marde Irani

by Rastin on

"[..] I cannot betray my own people"


I hope his fellow sportsmen mentioned in the article displayed as much honor as he did by saying no to IRCG. Thumbs up to this guy (and not in the Iranian sense).

Parsis Victor