"An Anatomy of Israel's Survival";
The Atlantic / Goldberg
07-Sep-2011 (3 comments)

Sep 6 2011, 3:59 PM ET


Hirsh Goodman has an excellent summary of the existential problem faced by Israel -- the actual existential problem faced by Israel, not the political problem faced by its prime minister when he bucks his coalition and reverses settlement growth on the West Bank (if only). This is an excerpt from Goodman's forthcoming book, "An Anatomy of Israel's Survival";

Of all the existential threats Israel faces, other than civil war, common wisdom has it that Iran is at the top of the list. Iran is maniacally dedicated to Israel's destruction, and says so on every occasion, in every language, and at every opportunity. By now even the parrots in the Tehran zoo can repeat the mantras of hatred calling for Israel to be wiped of... >>>

recommended by vildemose



  I  agree  with  you

by exzom on

  I  agree  with  you HAMBSASTEGI  IS THE KEY WORD,,,,,  This guy is nuts  he thinks war is the sloution  for every problem, and buys every statement every  politician says .Listen guy  mullahs  only use this  lingo againts Isreal  because they know it will get a rise out of the UNITED STATE and muddys  the water giving these idiot AKHOONDS time  to  think of something to say or do  to cover up their latest screw up .Only a fool  will take these hollow threats as real and acts upon it.  Sooner or later  both the ARABS and the ISREALIES  will come to realize that aside from one side killing off the otherside,,,,  some type of arrangements need to be made to save the lives of  their youth which are being needlessly  wasted in this  enldless war of stupidity.  

 So I  say if we cant help lets not hurt,Outside intervention of anykind is harmfull .They need to come to understand that only through sharing the land they are both born into will the killing stops. No one can teach them that.

   Orod Jahan 




Well, its been a few years since their last war

by Bavafa on

They just can't let their armed forces get rusty in the art of a killing machine.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Another propaganda piece from a well known warmonger!

by Disenchanted on


        Another not so subtle Israeli stooge in US media!