The Green Wave – review
The Guardian / Henry Barnes
02-Oct-2011 (one comment)

Ali Samadi Ahadi's documentary blends phone footage, animation and to-camera interviews to follow the course of the Iranian green movement during the disputed re-election of Mahmud Ahmadinejad in June 2009. It's a film powered by the internet, in which the voices ofIran's reformists are relayed via blogpost readings and on-screen tweets to create a day-by-day account of events. Animator Ali Reza Darvish's drawings offer a flashcard guide to the protestors' emotional state; they're played skillfully across interviews with some of the thousands of imprisoned activists, as Ahadu pulls the curtain back on a government that was willing to imprison and torture its electorate. A blogger's quote lingers longest: "Endurance is the only option Iranians have." It's an immensely courageous, terribly sad statement.


Guardian review of Green Wave

by Simorgh5555 on

"Endurance is the only option Iranians have."

But how long can Iranians endure? You cannot endure forever. There will be a time when Iranians will say enough is enough. Only military action will resolve the situation.  
