U.S. Denies Iran Claims That Saudi Plot Defendant Belongs to Exile Group
New York Times / Scott Shane
19-Oct-2011 (5 comments)

WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials on Wednesday denied Iranian news reports that a man charged in a plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States is actually an agent of an exiled Iranian opposition group.

recommended by yolanda


G. Rahmanian

No Conspiracy Theory Is Convincing Enough!

by G. Rahmanian on

No Conspiracy Theory Is Convincing Enough to whitewash IR's crimes and its publicly stated objectives to spread its revolution and kill its real and imaginary enemies!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

But in due time, we all shall know or at least will hope to know the truth. 

We are never going to know the truth. 


Good quick response by US to IRI Terrorists

by IranFirst on

I am glad that US quickly responded to this (another  lie to divert
attention) from Terrorist IRI. It seems IRI is grasping for anything
(Wall street protests, MKO,....) to explain its terrorism and US
intentions. They can  investigate IRGC's Shakuri openly or provide him (and
Shahlai) to an independent International body, if they are sincere.


Unfortunately we are dealing with two regimes ….

by Bavafa on

Who are a good match in terms of credibility or lack of when it comes to these type of accusation and charges.


But in due time, we all shall know or at least will hope to know the truth. 

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by yolanda on

"American officials say $100,000 for the plot was transferred from a bank account associated with the Quds Force.

 But they say that intercepted phone calls, bank transfers and other evidence tie the plot directly to Quds Force officials. "


Uh, oh!