After threats, Iran plays down U.S. naval moves
Reuters / Robin Pomeroy and Hashem Kalantari
21-Jan-2012 (10 comments)

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps said on Saturday it considered the likely return of U.S. warships to the Gulf part of routine activity, backing away from previous warnings to Washington not to re-enter the area.

The statement may be seen as an effort to reduce tensions after Washington said it would respond if Iran made good on a threat to block the Strait of Hormuz - the vital shipping lane for oil exports from the Gulf.

recommended by yolanda


Dr. Mohandes

AO jan

by Dr. Mohandes on

Quite correct.

I was thinking... What is the more sophisticated and polite way of putting it... ahh...ahh...Oh yeah... Gondeh Gooziaye Bija.

Runs rampant throughout the society.


Anonymous Observer

An American aircraft carrier group, along with a French and

by Anonymous Observer on

a British ship sailed through the Strait of Hormus already.  I believe the carrier was the USS Abraham Lincoln.  

IR's response: goh khordam, ghalat kardam. This proves once again that the IR is all talk and no action.  They will fold and fly to South Lebanon and Gaza at the first sight of an American war pane over Iran.  Plus, the IR has no real military.  It only has a group of trained terrorists.  It is no match for any half decent military, let alone the U.S. 




by jmyt17 on

Look at IRI 's Navy & Air Force and read Arabian word to compare With Such Great Military Capabilities!!!!!

Just in 10 min , IRI  you have to look for a place to hide like a RAT. 

If you have a- b-i-y-p just move, by next 30 min I am sure none of you are in Iran and hiding like a RAT. You too Khamenei. Show us you have a B-I-Y-P. if you have.

Let's not forget, all of you look like a pig.

Your  military power is like your drity face.


Basically saying: "Can't you take a joke?"!

by Disenchanted on




Newt won South Carolina.

by vildemose on

Newt won South Carolina. Scary!

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

G. Rahmanian

With Such Great Military Capabilities!

by G. Rahmanian on

Look at IR's Navy and Air Force and tell me if you think, With Such Great Military Capabilities, IR cannot take on all the western military powers single-handedly! 

At least that's what they want the whole world to believe. 

Let's not forget,though, the great majority of members of IRGC top brass were country bumpkins whose only military training came during the war with Iraq. A war they couldn't win, but decided to drag it on for eight long years. 

IR's military power is like Russia's in the Soviet era: A huge paper tiger!


Been over 30 years

by amirkabear4u on

and US only made comments BUT this time IRI knows it is very different.




by yolanda on

Let's see if IRI cancels its 2nd Strait of Hormuz military exercise scheduled for February!


I think Khamenie lost big

by vildemose on

I think Khamenie lost big time. I don't know what kind of concessions he has given the US but for now it has averted a devestating war.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.



by yolanda on

Everyone is cooling off a little! Israel said it is far from attacking Iran. US and Israel have postponed the joint military exercise. Now IRI is toning down its rhetoric also!

P.S. Farahani has upstaged everybody!