We've still got a few quid then! Bank of England's glittering stash of £156BILLION in gold bars stored in former canteen under L
03-Feb-2012 (3 comments)

Cash-strapped British people will breathe a sigh of relief when they see these impressive treasure troves.

Despite the financial crisis, it seems the country still has some money left in the Bank of England's vault beneath London.

In fact, there are stacks of gold bars worth a whopping £156billion stored in an old canteen deep below the streets of the capital.

Read more: //www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2095535/Bank-Englands-glittering-stash-156BN-gold-bars-stored-canteen-London.html#ixzz1lL4E8O2R

recommended by amirkabear4u



One wonders

by amirkabear4u on

considering they been everywhere and never paid for anything they should have a lot more than this much gold.

Just as a matter of information at one time they were importing gold from america!!!! What happened to all that gold???



Soosan Khanoom

" it all looted from india!!!!!!!!!!! "

by Soosan Khanoom on

gets my vote ...


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