Afghan women are being jailed for 'moral crimes', says report
The Guardian / Tom A Peter

In one case described by the HRW report, a woman named Souriya Y was given away for marriage at the age of 12 to resolve a family dispute. Her husband was abusive, but her father encouraged her to be patient. Nine years into the marriage, her husband accused her of running away and having sex with one of his enemies. Souriya told HRW she saw the man she was accused of running away with for the first time in court and says her husband made up the story to get rid of her and shame his rival. She was convicted and sentenced to five and a half years in prison.

The report follows numerous similar indicators that present a stark situation for women. A UN report published in winter found that despite the creation of a law designed to protect women, nearly two years after its inception it is rarely enforced. Meanwhile, a separate report by Oxfam found that 87% of Afghan women reported experiencing physical, psychological, or sexual abuse or forced marriages.

With a legal system that often punishes women for reporting violent crimes against them such as rape or abuse, a number of women do not speak up for fear of facing judicial reprisal.

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