Volcanic 'tunnels' detected on Mars could offer a safe haven for life - and might even offer shelter for astronauts Read more:
Daily Mail / Rob Waugh

Underground lava flows on Mars have carved out channels beneath the surface - and the long-dead volcanoes have left a network of tunnels in which life could thrive.

Distinctive 'pit chains' on the surface of Mars surround the Tharsus Montes volcanoes on the Red Planet - showing that tunnels and cavities have collapsed after the lava flows ceased.

Scientists now believe that remaining tunnels - which may have had running water in their million-year-history - could be tempting targets in the search for microbial life on the Planet.


he thin atmosphere of Mars means that the planet is blasted with 250 times more radiation than Earth - so life on the surface is unlikely.

Subterranean tubes, protected from the deadly rays, could provide a 'haven' for life - particularly if water was present. 

Mars landers have measured surface radiation around 250 times higher than that found on the Earth, and more than double that experienced by astronauts on board the International Space Station. 

Any caves associated with the pit-chains may in future provide a possible refuge for astronauts from the harsh surface radiation.

Read more: //www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/... >>>

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