Iran Embargo Impossible to Meet as Ships Need Its Oil
Bloomberg‎ / Isaac Arnsdorf -
03-May-2012 (2 comments)

Europe’s oil embargo on Iran is having unforeseen consequences in the shipping market, making it almost impossible to determine if vessels are using fuel that violates the sanctions.

Supplies from Iran are a “vital blending component” to make ship fuel, known as bunkers, according to Barclays Capital

Soosan Khanoom

Iran Embargo Impossible to Meet as Ships Need Its

by Soosan Khanoom on

" This is a problem we didn’t foresee"...   Absolutely perfect!  " 


Soosan Khanoom

" Sucks to be you guys!

by Soosan Khanoom on

" Sucks to be you guys! Welcome to the era of U.S. domination. Suffering a bit? ,,,,,,, ". You were all too happy to make your bed with Uncle Sam, now sleep in it. "